Start running builds automatically (AWS CLI)
If your source code is stored in a GitHub or a GitHub Enterprise Server repository, you can use GitHub webhooks to have AWS CodeBuild rebuild your source code whenever a code change is pushed to the repository.
Run the create-webhook command as follows:
aws codebuild create-webhook --project-name
is the name of the build project that
contains the source code to be rebuilt.
For GitHub, information similar to the following appears in the output:
{ "webhook": { "url": "
" } }
is the URL to the GitHub webhook.
For GitHub Enterprise Server, information similar to the following appears in the output:
![Sample output information.](/images/codebuild/latest/userguide/images/create-webhook-ghe.png)
Copy the secret key and payload URL from the output. You need them to add a webhook in GitHub Enterprise Server.
In GitHub Enterprise Server, choose the repository where your CodeBuild project is stored. Choose Settings, choose Hooks & services, and then choose Add webhook.
Enter the payload URL and secret key, accept the defaults for the other fields, and then choose Add webhook.