Specify a GitHub repository version with a reference and commit ID - AWS CodeBuild

Specify a GitHub repository version with a reference and commit ID

You can specify a source version with a reference and a commit ID in this format: refs/heads/branchname^{full-commit-SHA} (for example, refs/heads/main^{12345678901234567890123467890123456789}). If you do this, CodeBuild downloads only the specified branch to find the version.

To specify a GitHub repository version with a reference and commit ID.
  1. Complete the steps in Specify a GitHub repository version with a commit ID.

  2. From the left navigation pane, choose Build projects, and then choose the project you created earlier.

  3. Choose Start build.

  4. In Source version, enter refs/heads/main^{046e8b67481d53bdc86c3f6affdd5d1afae6d369}. This is the same commit ID and a reference to a branch in the format refs/heads/branchname^{full-commit-SHA}.

  5. Choose Start build.

  6. When the build is complete, you should see the following:

    • On the Build logs tab, which version of the project source was used. Here is an example.

      [Container] Date Time Running command echo $CODEBUILD_RESOLVED_SOURCE_VERSION 046e8b67481d53bdc86c3f6affdd5d1afae6d369 [Container] Date Time Phase complete: BUILD State: SUCCEEDED
    • On the Environment variables tab, the Resolved source version matches the commit ID used to create the build.

    • On the Phase details tab, the duration of the DOWNLOAD_SOURCE phase should be shorter than the duration when you used only the commit ID to specify the version of your source.