Use case-based samples for CodeBuild - AWS CodeBuild

Use case-based samples for CodeBuild

You can use these use case-based samples to experiment with AWS CodeBuild:

Cross-service samples

A list of cross-service samples to experiment with AWS CodeBuild.

Build badges sample

Shows how to set up CodeBuild with build badges.

Test report sample

Uses the AWS CLI to create, run, and view the results of a test report.

Docker samples for CodeBuild

Shows how to use custom Docker images, publish Docker images to a repository in Amazon ECR, and use Docker images in a private registry.

Host build output in an S3 bucket

Shows how to create a static website in an S3 bucket using unencrypted build artifacts.

Multiple inputs and outputs sample

Shows how to use multiple input sources and multiple output artifacts in a build project.

Runtime versions in buildspec file sample

Shows how to specify runtimes and their versions in the buildspec file.

Source version sample

Shows how to use a specific version of your source in a CodeBuild build project.

Third-party source repository samples for CodeBuild

Shows how to create BitBucket, GitHub Enterprise Server, and GitHub pull requests with webhooks using CodeBuild.

Set artifact names at build time using semantic versioning

Shows how to use semantic versioning to create an artifact name at build time.