Creating a project with a blueprint
You can quickly create a project using a blueprint from the Amazon CodeCatalyst blueprints catalog or your team's space catalog with custom blueprints. Depending on the blueprint, your project is created with specific resources. You can also collaborate with Amazon Q, a generative AI assistant, when creating new projects or adding components to existing projects. You can provide Amazon Q with requirements for your project by interacting with it in a chat-like interface. Based on your requirements, Amazon Q suggests a blueprint and also outlines requirements that can’t be met. You can then proceed with Amazon Q’s suggestion if you’re satisfied, and it will create the necessary resources such as a source repository with code for your requirement. For more information, see Creating a project with a blueprint, Best practices when using Amazon Q to create projects or add functionality with blueprints, and Creating a comprehensive project with CodeCatalyst blueprints.
After creating a project, you can add additional blueprints to your CodeCatalyst project from the CodeCatalyst catalog or your space's catalog with custom blueprints. Blueprints represent architectural components, so multiple blueprints can be used together in your project to incorporate your team's best practices. This also gives you the ability to make sure your project is up to date with the latest changes to the evolving components. To learn more about working with blueprints in your project, see Working with lifecycle management as a blueprint user.