Custom blueprints concepts - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Custom blueprints concepts

Here are some concepts and terms that you should know when working with custom blueprints in CodeCatalyst.

Blueprint project

A blueprint project gives you the ability to develop and publish blueprints to your space. A source repository is created during the project creation process, and the name of the repository is the one you chose when entering the Project resources details. During the blueprint creation process, if you choose to generate a workflow release, a publishing workflow is created in your blueprint with the Blueprint Builder blueprint. The workflow automatically publishes your latest version.

Space blueprints

You can view and manage all blueprints from the Space blueprints table when you navigate to the Blueprints section of your space. After blueprints are published to your space, they are made available as a space blueprint to be added and removed from your space's blueprints catalog. You can also manage publishing permissions and delete blueprints from in the Blueprints section of your space. For more information, see Viewing details, versions, and projects of a custom blueprint.

Space blueprints catalog

You can view all added custom blueprints from a space's blueprints catalog. This is where a space member can choose your custom blueprint to create a new project. This catalog is different to the CodeCatalyst catalog, which already has available blueprints for all space members. For more information, see Creating a comprehensive project with CodeCatalyst blueprints.


Synthesis is the process of generating a CodeCatalyst project bundle that represents the source code, configuration, and resources in a project. The bundle is then used by CodeCatalyst deployment API operations to deploy into a project. The process can be run locally while developing your custom blueprint to emulate project creation without having to create a project in CodeCatalyst. The following commands can be used to perform synthesis:

yarn blueprint:synth # fast mode yarn blueprint:synth --cache # wizard emulation mode

The blueprint starts itself by calling the main blueprint.ts class with that option merged on defaults.json. A new project bundle is generated under the synth/synth.[options-name]/proposed-bundle/ folder. The output includes the project bundle that a custom blueprint generates, given the options you set, including the partial options that you may have configured.


Resynthesis is the process of regenerating a blueprint with different blueprint options or blueprint versions of existing projects. As a blueprint author, you can define custom merge strategies in the custom blueprint code. You can also define ownership boundaries in an .ownership-file to specify in which parts of the codebase a blueprint is permitted to be updated. While the custom blueprint can propose updates to the .ownership-file, project developers using the custom blueprint can determine ownership boundaries for their projects. You can run resynthesis locally, and test and update before publishing your custom blueprint. Use the following commands to perform resynthesis:

yarn blueprint:resynth # fast mode yarn blueprint:resynth --cache # wizard emulation mode

The blueprint starts itself by calling the main blueprint.ts class with that option merged on defaults.json. A new project bundle is generated under the synth/resynth.[options-name]/ folder. The output includes the project bundle that a custom blueprint generates, given the options you set, including the partial options that you may have configured.

The following contents are created after the synthesis and resynthesis processes:

  • proposed-bundle - The output of synthesis when it is run with new options for the target blueprint version.

  • existing-bundle - A mock of your existing project. If there's nothing in this folder, it's generated with the same output as he proposed-bundle.

  • ancestor-bundle - A mock of what your blueprint would generate when run with either a prior version, prior options, or a combination. If there's nothing in this folder, it's generated with the same output as the proposed-bundle.

  • resolved-bundle - The bundle is always regenerated and defaults to a three-way merge between the proposed-bundle, existing-bundle, and the ancestor-bundle. This bundle provides an emulation of what a resynthesis would output locally.

To learn more about blueprint output bundles, see Generating files with resynthesis.

Partial options

You can add option variations under src/wizard-configuration/ that don't have to enumerate the entirety of the Options interface, and the options are merged on top of the defaults.json file. That allows you to tailor test cases across particular options.


Options interface:

{ language: "Python" | "Java" | "Typescript", repositoryName: string ... }

defaults.json file:

{ language: "Python", repositoryName: "Myrepo" ... }

Additional configuration tests:

  • #wizard-config-typescript-test.json { language: "Typescript", }
  • #wizard-config-java-test.json { language: "Java", }


Projen is an open-source tool that custom blueprints use to keep themselves updated and consistent. Blueprints come as Projen packages because this framework provides you with the ability to build, bundle, and publish projects, and you can use the interface to manage a project's configurations and settings.

You can use Projen to update blueprints at scale, even after they're created. The Projen tool is the underlying technology behind the blueprint synthesis that generates a project bundle. Projen owns the configuration for a project, and it shouldn't impact you as a blueprint author. You can run yarn projen to regenerate the configuration of your project after adding dependencies, or you can change options in the projenrc.ts file. Projen is also the underlying generation tool for custom blueprints to synthesize a project. For more information, see the projen GitHub page. To learn more about working with Projen, see the Projen documentation.