Adding the 'Deploy to Kubernetes cluster' action
Use the following instructions to add the Deploy to Kubernetes cluster action to your workflow.
Before you begin
Before you add the Deploy to Kubernetes cluster action to your workflow, you must have the following prepared:
To set up these prerequisites quickly, follow the instructions in Tutorial: Deploy an application to Amazon EKS.
A Kubernetes cluster in Amazon EKS. For information about clusters, see Amazon EKS clusters in the Amazon EKS User Guide.
At least one Dockerfile that describes how to assemble your application into a Docker image. For more information about Dockerfiles, see the Dockerfile reference
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At least one Kubernetes manifest file, which is called a configuration file or configuration in the Kubernetes documentation. For more information, see Managing resources
in the Kubernetes documentation. -
An IAM role that gives the Deploy to Kubernetes cluster action the ability to access and interact with your Amazon EKS cluster. For more information, see the Role topic in the 'Deploy to Kubernetes cluster' action YAML.
After creating this role, you must add it to:
Your Kubernetes ConfigMap file. To learn how to add a role to a ConfigMap file, see Enabling IAM principal access to your cluster in the Amazon EKS User Guide.
CodeCatalyst. To learn how to add an IAM role to CodeCatalyst, see Adding IAM roles to account connections.
A CodeCatalyst space, project, and environment. The space and environment must both be connected to the AWS account into which you will be deploying your application. For more information, see Creating a space, Creating an empty project in Amazon CodeCatalyst, and Deploying into AWS accounts and VPCs.
A source repository supported by CodeCatalyst. The repository stores your application source files, Dockerfiles, and Kubernetes manifests. For more information, see Store and collaborate on code with source repositories in CodeCatalyst.