Invoking a Lambda function using a workflow - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Invoking a Lambda function using a workflow

This section describes how to invoke a AWS Lambda function using a CodeCatalyst workflow. To accomplish this, you must add the AWS Lambda invoke action to your workflow. The AWS Lambda invoke action invokes the Lambda function that you specify.

In addition to invoking your function, the AWS Lambda invoke action also converts each top-level key in the response payload received from the Lambda function into a workflow output variable. These variables can then be referenced in subsequent workflow actions. If you don't want all top-level keys to be converted to variables, you can use filters to specify the exact ones. For more information, see ResponseFilters property description in the 'AWS Lambda invoke' action YAML.

When to use this action

Use this action if you want to add functionality to your workflow that is encapsulated in, and performed by, a Lambda function.

For example, you might want your workflow to send a Build started notification to a Slack channel before starting a build of your application. In this case, your workflow would include an AWS Lambda invoke action to invoke a Lambda to send out the Slack notification, and a build action to build your application.

As another example, you might want your workflow to conduct a vulnerability scan on your application before it is deployed. In this case, you would use a build action to build your application, an AWS Lambda invoke action to invoke a Lambda to scan for vulnerabilities, and a deploy action to deploy the scanned application.

Runtime image used by the 'AWS Lambda invoke' action

The AWS Lambda invoke action runs on a November 2022 image. For more information, see Active images.