How do notifications work?
You can set up your project to provide notifications to your team messaging application, such as Slack.
What permissions are necessary for notifications?
Any project member can configure, view, update, or delete notification settings for a channel in CodeCatalyst. However, only users with the Space administrator role can add or delete Slack workspaces. All users can configure what project events they want to receive emails about for the projects they belong to in CodeCatalyst.
What CodeCatalyst events can I configure notifications about?
You can configure CodeCatalyst to deliver notifications to one or more Slack channels about workflow events. Once notifications have been configured between a CodeCatalyst project and Slack, project users can choose to add their own Slack member ID in order to receive direct messages in Slack channels about CodeCatalyst events. Users who add their Slack member IDs will receive direct mentions to their IDs in the Slack channels configured for their projects, helping raise awareness about events they care about.
You can also choose what events you want to receive emails about. These emails are sent to the email address configured for your AWS Builder ID.
How are notifications surfaced?
You can configure CodeCatalyst to deliver notifications to one or more Slack channels. You need to authorize CodeCatalyst to grant permissions to access your Slack workspace. Once the authorization is provided, CodeCatalyst can deliver notifications to the Slack channels you configure. If a project member chooses to add their Slack member ID, they can receive mentions about CodeCatalyst events in the Slack channels configured for that project.
How do I set up notifications?
Email notifications are configured as part of CodeCatalyst. Project users can choose what events they'd like to receive emails about in their My settings page.
To set up Slack notifications for your project resources, you must complete the following high-level tasks.
To set up notifications (high-level tasks)
In CodeCatalyst, you set up a connection between CodeCatalyst and a messaging client, such as Slack. Once a Slack workspace is connected, it will be available to all projects in the space.
Only users with a Space administrator role can add or delete a Slack workspace.
In your project in CodeCatalyst, add the channel where you want your team to receive notifications.
In CodeCatalyst, you turn on notifications for various events, such as workflow run failure, and specify the channel where you want them sent.
For detailed steps, see Getting started with Slack notifications.
Once notifications have been configured between a CodeCatalyst space and Slack, users can choose to add their own Slack member IDs to receive direct messages about CodeCatalyst events in the Slack channels configured for their projects,