Publishing packages with curl - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Publishing packages with curl

This section shows how to use the HTTP client curl to publish Maven packages to a CodeCatalyst package repository. Publishing packages with curl can be useful if you do not have or want to install the Maven client in your environments.

To publish a Maven package with curl
  1. You must store a personal access token (PAT) into an environment variable to authenticate curl with CodeCatalyst. If you already have one, you can use that. If not, you can create one and configure the environment variable.

    1. Create a PAT by following the steps in Grant users repository access with personal access tokens. Copy the PAT to store it in an environment variable.

    2. On your local machine's command line, configure an environment variable with your PAT.

      export CodeCatalyst_ARTIFACTS_TOKEN=your_PAT
  2. Use the following curl command to publish the JAR to a CodeCatalyst repository. Replace username, space_name, proj_name, and repo_name with your CodeCatalyst user name, space name, project name, and package repository name.

    curl --request PUT \ --user "username:CodeCatalyst_ARTIFACTS_TOKEN" --header "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" \ --data-binary @target/path/to/my-app-1.0.jar
  3. Use the following curl command to publish the POM to a CodeCatalyst repository. Replace username, space_name, proj_name, and repo_name with your CodeCatalyst user name, space name, project name, and package repository name.

    curl --request PUT \ --user "username:CodeCatalyst_ARTIFACTS_TOKEN" --header "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" \ --data-binary @target/my-app-1.0.pom
  4. At this point, the Maven package will be in your CodeCatalyst repository with a status of Unfinished. To be able to consume the package, it must be in the Published state. You can move the package from Unfinished to Published by either uploading a maven-metadata.xml file to your package, or changing the status in the CodeCatalyst console.

    1. Option 1: Use the following curl command to add a maven-metadata.xml file to your package. Replace username, space_name, proj_name, and repo_name with your CodeCatalyst user name, space name, project name, and package repository name.

      curl --request PUT \ --user "username:CodeCatalyst_ARTIFACTS_TOKEN" --header "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" \ --data-binary @target/maven-metadata.xml

      Following is an example of the contents of a maven-metadata.xml file:

      <metadata modelVersion="1.1.0"> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>my-app</artifactId> <versioning> <latest>1.0</latest> <release>1.0</release> <versions> <version>1.0</version> </versions> <lastUpdated>20200731090423</lastUpdated> </versioning> </metadata>
    2. Option 2: Update the package status to Published in the CodeCatalyst console. For information about how to update a package version's status, see Updating a package version's status.

If you only have a package's JAR file, you can publish a consumable package version to a CodeCatalyst repository using mvn. This can be useful if you do not have access to the package's source code or POM. See Publishing third-party packages for details.