Configuring Twine and publishing Python packages - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Configuring Twine and publishing Python packages

To use twine with CodeCatalyst, you must connect twine to your package repository and provide a personal access token for authentication. You can view instructions for connecting twine to your package repository in the CodeCatalyst console. After you authenticate and connect twine to CodeCatalyst, you can run twine commands.

Publishing packages to CodeCatalyst with Twine

The following instructions explain how to authenticate and connect twine to your CodeCatalyst package repository.

To configure and use twine to publish packages to your CodeCatalyst package repository
  1. Open the CodeCatalyst console at

  2. On the overview page for your project, choose Packages.

  3. Choose your package repository from the list of package repositories.

  4. Choose Connect to repository.

  5. In the Connect to repository dialog box, choose Twine from the list of package manager clients.

  6. You will need a personal access token (PAT) to authenticate twine with CodeCatalyst. If you already have one, you can use that. If not, you can create one here.

    1. Choose Create token.

    2. Choose Copy to copy your PAT.


      You will not be able to see or copy your PAT again after you close the dialog box.

  7. You can configure twine with a .pypirc file, or with environment variables.

    1. To configure with a .pypirc file.

      Open ~/.pypirc in your editor of choice.

      Add an index server for CodeCatalyst, including the repository, user name, and PAT that you created and copied in a previous step. Replace the following values.


      If copying from the console instructions, the following values should be updated for you and should not be changed.

      • Replace username with your CodeCatalyst user name.

      • Replace PAT with your CodeCatalyst PAT.

      • Replace space_name with your CodeCatalyst space name.

      • Replace proj_name with your CodeCatalyst project name.

      • Replace repo_name with your CodeCatalyst package repository name.

      [distutils] index-servers = proj-name/repo-name [proj-name/repo-name] repository = password = PAT username = username
    2. To configure with environment variables.

      Set the following environment variables. In the TWINE_REPOSITORY_URL value, update space_name, proj_name, and repo_name with your CodeCatalyst space, project, and package repository names.

      export TWINE_USERNAME=username
      export TWINE_REPOSITORY_URL=""
  8. Publish a Python distribution with the twine upload command.