Publish and share software packages in CodeCatalyst - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Publish and share software packages in CodeCatalyst

Amazon CodeCatalyst contains a fully managed package repository service that makes it easy for your development team to securely store and share software packages used for application development. These packages are stored in package repositories, which are created and organized within projects in CodeCatalyst.

A single package repository can store packages of every supported package type. CodeCatalyst supports the following package formats:

  • npm

  • Maven

  • NuGet

  • Python

Packages in a package repository can be discovered and shared between members of the project that contains the repository.

To publish packages to, and consume packages from a repository, configure a package manager to use the repository endpoint (URL). You can then use the package manager to publish packages to the repository. You can use package managers such as Maven, Gradle, npm, yarn, nuget, dotnet, pip, and twine.

You can also configure CodeCatalyst workflows to use CodeCatalyst package repositories. For more information about using packages in workflows, see Publishing and importing packages using a workflow.

You can make packages in one package repository available to another repository in the same project by adding it as an upstream repository. All package versions available to the upstream repository are also available to the downstream repository. For more information, see Configuring and using upstream repositories.

You can make open-source packages available to your CodeCatalyst repository by creating a special type of repository called a gateway. Upstreaming to a gateway repository allows you to consume packages from popular public repositories such as and, and automatically cache them in your CodeCatalyst repository. For more information, see Connecting to public external repositories.