Source repository concepts - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Source repository concepts

Here are some concepts to know about as you work with CodeCatalyst source repositories.


A project represents a collaborative effort in CodeCatalyst that supports development teams and tasks. After you have a project, you can add, update, or remove users and resources, customize your project dashboard, and monitor the progress of your team's work. You can have multiple projects within a space.

Source repositories are specific to the projects where you create or link them in a space. You can't share a repository between projects, and you can't link a repository to more than one project in a space. Users with the Contributor or Project administrator role in a project can interact with the source repositories associated with that project according to the permissions granted to those roles. For more information, see Granting access with user roles.

Source repositories

A source repository is where you securely store code and files for your project. It also stores the version history of your files. By default, a source repository is shared with the other users in your CodeCatalyst project. You can have more than one source repository for a project. You can create source repositories for projects in CodeCatalyst, or you can choose to link an existing source repository hosted by another service if that service is supported by an installed extension. For example, you can link a GitHub repository to a project after you install the GitHub Repositories extension. For more information, see Storing source code in repositories for a project in CodeCatalyst and Quickstart: Installing extensions, connecting providers, and linking resources in CodeCatalyst.

Dev Environments

A Dev Environment is a cloud-based development environment that you can use in CodeCatalyst to quickly work on the code stored in the source repositories of your project. The project tools and application libraries included in your Dev Environment are defined by a devfile in the source repository of your project. If you do not have a devfile in your source repository, a default devfile will be applied automatically. The default devfile includes tools for the most frequently used programming languages and frameworks. By default, a Dev Environment is configured to have a 2-core processor, 4 GB of RAM, and 16 GiB of persistent storage.

You can choose to clone an existing branch of your source repository into your Dev Environment, or you can choose to create a new branch as part of creating the Dev Environment.

Personal access tokens (PATs)

A personal access token (PAT) is similar to a password. It is associated with your user identity for use across all spaces and projects in CodeCatalyst. You use PATs to access CodeCatalyst resources that include integrated development environments (IDEs) and Git-based source repositories. PATs represent you in CodeCatalyst and you can manage them in your user settings. A user can have more than one PAT. Personal access tokens only display once. As a best practice, be sure to store them securely on your local computer. By default, PATs expire after one year.

When working with integrated development environments (IDEs), PATs are the equivalent of a Git password. Provide the PAT when asked for a password when setting up your IDE to work with a Git repository. For more information about how to connect your IDE with a Git-based repository, see the documentation for your IDE.


A branch is a pointer or reference to a commit in Git and in CodeCatalyst. You can use branches to organize your work. For example, you can use branches to work on a new or different version of files without affecting files in other branches. You can use branches to develop new features, store a specific version of your project, and more. A source repository can have one branch or many branches. When you create a project using a template, the source repository created for the project contains sample files in a branch called main. The main branch is the default branch for the repository.

Default branches

Source repositories in CodeCatalyst have a default branch regardless of how you create them. If you choose to create a project using a template, the source repository created for that project includes a file in addition to sample code, workflow definitions, and other resources. If you create a source repository without using a template, a file is added for you as a first commit and a default branch is created for you as part of creating the repository. This default branch is named main. This default branch is the one used as the base or default branch in local repositories (repos) when users clone the repository. You can change which branch is used as the default branch. For more information, see Managing the default branch for a repository.

You can't delete the default branch for a source repository. Search results only include results from the default branch.


A commit is a change to a file or set of files. In the Amazon CodeCatalyst console, a commit saves your changes and pushes them to a source repository. The commit includes information about the change, including the identity of the user who made the change, the time and date of the change, the commit title, and any message included about the change. For more information, see Understanding changes in source code with commits in Amazon CodeCatalyst.

In the context of a source repository in CodeCatalyst, commits are snapshots of the contents and changes to the contents of your repository. You can also add Git tags to commits, to identify specific commits.

Pull requests

A pull request is the primary way you and other users review, comment on, and merge code changes from one branch to another in a source repository. You can use pull requests to review code changes collaboratively for minor changes or fixes, major feature additions, or new versions of your released software. In a pull request, you can review the changes between the source and destination branches or the differences between revisions of those branches. You can add comments to individual lines of code changes as well as comments on the pull request overall.


While you are creating a pull request, the difference displayed is the difference between the tip of the source branch and the tip of the destination branch. Once the pull request has been created, the displayed difference will be between the revision of the pull request you choose and the commit that was the tip of the destination branch when you created the pull request. For more information about differences and merge bases in Git, see git-merge-base in the Git documentation.


A revision is an updated version of a pull request. Each push to the source branch of a pull request creates a revision that contains the changes made in the commits included in that push. You can view the differences between revisions of a pull request in addition to the differences between the source and destination branches. For more information, see Reviewing code with pull requests in Amazon CodeCatalyst.


A workflow is an automated procedure that describes how to build, test, and deploy your code as part of a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) system. A workflow defines a series of steps, or actions, to take during a workflow run. A workflow also defines the events, or triggers, that cause the workflow to start. To set up a workflow, you create a workflow definition file using the CodeCatalyst console's visual or YAML editor.


For a quick look at how you might use workflows in a project, create a project with a blueprint. Each blueprint deploys a functioning workflow that you can review, run, and experiment with.

A source repository can also store the configuration files and other information for workflows, notifications, issues, and other configuration information for the project. The configuration files are created and stored in the source repository when you create resources that require configuration files, or when you specify the repository as a source action for a workflow. If you create a project from a blueprint, you will have configuration files already stored in the source repository created for you as part of the project. This configuration information is stored in a folder named .codecatalyst in the default branch of your repository. Whenever you create a branch of the default branch, you create a copy of this folder and its configuration in addition to all the other files and folders in that branch.