Deleting a space - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Deleting a space

You can delete a space to remove access to all of the space's resources. You must have the Space administrator role to delete a space.


You cannot undo a space deletion.

After you have deleted a space, all space members will be unable to access space resources. Billing for space resources will also stop, and any workflows that are prompted by third-party source repositories will be stopped.


Space names must be unique across CodeCatalyst. You cannot reuse names of deleted spaces.

The information in this guide is provided for deleting spaces in CodeCatalyst that support AWS Builder ID users. To learn more about the steps to set up and administer a space that supports identity federation, see Setup and administration for CodeCatalyst spaces in the Amazon CodeCatalyst Administrator Guide.

To delete a space
  1. Open the CodeCatalyst console at

  2. Navigate to your space.


    If you belong to more than one space, choose a space in the top navigation bar.

  3. Choose Settings, and then choose Delete.

  4. Type delete to confirm the deletion.

  5. Choose Delete.


    If you belong to more than one space, you're redirected to the space overview page. If you belong to one space, you're redirected to the space creation page.