Editing a desciption for a blueprint in a project - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Editing a desciption for a blueprint in a project

You can edit the description of a blueprint that you used to create a project or applied after a project was created. A blueprint can be used more than once in a project. To differentiate the purpose of blueprints in your project, you can use descriptions for those blueprints. Descriptions can also be used to identify the components that you're adding from a specific blueprint.


To edit a custom blueprint's description in your space, you must be signed in with an account that has the Space administrator, Power user, or Project administrator role in the space.

To edit a blueprint's description in your project

  1. Open the CodeCatalyst console at https://codecatalyst.aws/.

  2. In the CodeCatalyst console, navigate to your space, and then choose the project with the blueprint settings that you want to update.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Blueprints.

  4. Choose the blueprint with the description that you want to update, choose the Actions dropdown menu, and then choose Settings.

  5. In the Blueprint description text input field, enter a description to identify the blueprint in your project.

  6. Choose Save.