Viewing CodeCatalyst events in Jira issues - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Viewing CodeCatalyst events in Jira issues

If your CodeCatalyst projects and Jira projects are linked, the summary status of the pull request and the status of associated CodeCatalyst workflow events are reflected in your Jira issue. For example, if you close or merge a pull request in CodeCatalyst, the status update is reflected in the Jira issue. CodeCatalyst workflow CI/CD events related to a CodeCatalyst pull request are synchronized, so a successful workflow run would be sent to the Jira issue as well.

To view CodeCatalyst events in a Jira issue
  1. Open the CodeCatalyst console at

  2. Navigate to your CodeCatalyst project.

  3. In the CodeCatalyst navigation pane, choose Code, choose Pull requests, and then choose the pull request with the Jira issue that you want to view in your Jira project.

  4. In the Additional info pane, choose the Jira issue that you want to view in your Jira project.

  5. From the Details pane in the Jira project, choose pull request listed for Development to see details of the pull request.

  6. (Optional) To see the latest builds, choose the Builds tab.

  7. (Optional) To see the development status, choose the Deployments tab.