Examples of referencing predefined variables - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Examples of referencing predefined variables

The following examples show how to reference predefined variables in the workflow definition file.

For more information about predefined variables, see Using predefined variables.

Example: Referencing the "CommitId" predefined variable

The following example shows you how to refer to the CommitId predefined variable in the MyBuildAction action. The CommitId variable is output automatically by CodeCatalyst. For more information, see List of predefined variables.

Although the example shows the variable being used in the build action, you can use CommitId in any action.

MyBuildAction: Identifier: aws/build@v1 Inputs: Sources: - WorkflowSource Configuration: Steps: #Build Docker image and tag it with a commit ID - Run: docker build -t image-repo/my-docker-image:latest . - Run: docker tag image-repo/my-docker-image:${WorkflowSource.CommitId}

Example: Referencing the "BranchName" predefined variable

The following example shows you how to refer to the BranchName predefined variable in the CDKDeploy action. The BranchName variable is output automatically by CodeCatalyst. For more information, see List of predefined variables.

Although the example shows the variable being used in the AWS CDK deploy action, you can use BranchName in any action.

CDKDeploy: Identifier: aws/cdk-deploy@v2 Inputs: Sources: - WorkflowSource Configuration: StackName: app-stack-${WorkflowSource.BranchName}