Delete a Git tag in AWS CodeCommit - AWS CodeCommit

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Delete a Git tag in AWS CodeCommit

To delete a Git tag in a CodeCommit repository, use Git from a local repo connected to the CodeCommit repository. .

Use Git to delete a Git tag

Follow these steps to use Git from a local repo to delete a Git tag in a CodeCommit repository.

These steps are written with the assumption that you have already connected the local repo to the CodeCommit repository. For instructions, see Connect to a repository.

  1. To delete the Git tag from the local repo, run the git tag -d tag-name command where tag-name is the name of the Git tag you want to delete.


    To get a list of Git tag names, run git tag.

    For example, to delete a Git tag in the local repo named beta:

    git tag -d beta
  2. To delete the Git tag from the CodeCommit repository, run the git push remote-name --delete tag-name command where remote-name is the nickname the local repo uses for the CodeCommit repository and tag-name is the name of the Git tag you want to delete from the CodeCommit repository.


    To get a list of CodeCommit repository names and their URLs, run the git remote -v command.

    For example, to delete a Git tag named beta in the CodeCommit repository named origin:

    git push origin --delete beta