EC2 instance configured with public IP is detected. To minimize the risk of unauthorized access to your instances, do not allow public IP associations unless absolutely necessary.
2 Resource:
3 Type: AWS::EC2::Instance
4 Properties:
5 DisableApiTermination: false
6 InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior: stop
7 ImageId: !FindInMap
8 - AmazonLinuxNatAMI
9 - !Ref 'AWS::Region'
10 - hvm
11 InstanceType: t2.micro
12 KeyName: !Ref KeyPair
13 Monitoring: false
14 NetworkInterfaces:
15 - DeleteOnTermination: true
16 Description: Primary network interface
17 DeviceIndex: '0'
18 SubnetId: !Ref VPCPubSn1
19 GroupSet:
20 - !Ref SGAllTrafficFromVPC
21 # Noncompliant: EC2 instance have public IP.
22 AssociatePublicIpAddress: true
2 Resource:
3 Type: 'AWS::EC2::Instance'
4 Properties:
5 # Compliant: EC2 instance do not have public IP.
6 DisableApiTermination: false
7 InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior: stop
8 ImageId: !FindInMap
9 - AmazonLinuxNatAMI
10 - !Ref 'AWS::Region'
11 - hvm
12 InstanceType: t2.micro
13 KeyName: !Ref KeyPair
14 Monitoring: false