Missing S3 bucket owner condition Low

Not setting the S3 bucket owner condition might introduce a risk of accidentally using a wrong bucket. For example, a configuration error could lead to accidentally writing production data into test accounts.

Detector ID

Noncompliant example

1public void putObjectNoncompliant() {
2    S3Client s3Client = S3Client.create();
3    // Noncompliant: the account that owns the bucket is not specified in the request.
4    PutObjectRequest request = PutObjectRequest.builder()
5            .bucket("PUT-EXAMPLE-BUCKET")
6            .key("example-key")
7            .build();
8    Path path = Paths.get("put_file.txt");
9    s3Client.putObject(request, path);

Compliant example

1public void putObjectCompliant() {
2    S3Client s3Client = S3Client.create();
3    // Compliant: the account that owns the bucket is specified in the request.
4    PutObjectRequest request = PutObjectRequest.builder()
5            .bucket("PUT-EXAMPLE-BUCKET")
6            .key("example-key")
7            .expectedBucketOwner("111122223333")
8            .build();
9    Path path = Paths.get("put_file.txt");
10    s3Client.putObject(request, path);