Socket close platform compatibility High

On some platforms os.close does not work for socket file descriptors. This is most noticeable with Windows.

Detector ID
Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) external icon

Noncompliant example

1def create_socket_noncompliant(samplehost, sampleport, samplebuffersize):
2    import socket
3    socket.socket.settimeout(10.0)
4    socket = socket.socket()
5    socket.connect((samplehost, sampleport))
6    print(socket.recv(samplebuffersize))
7    # Noncompliant: socket.shutdown is not called before closing the socket.
8    socket.close()

Compliant example

1def create_socket_compliant(samplehost, sampleport, samplebuffersize):
2    import socket
3    socket.socket.settimeout(10.0)
4    socket = socket.socket()
5    socket.connect((samplehost, sampleport))
6    try:
7        print(socket.recv(samplebuffersize))
8    finally:
9        # Compliant: socket.shutdown is called before closing the socket.
10        socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR)
11        socket.close()