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Installing CodeWhisperer for command line
To install CodeWhisperer for command line, follow the steps below.
Authenticate with Builder ID for CodeWhisperer Individual users, or IAM Identity Center for CodeWhisperer Professional users using the start URL given to you by your account administrator.
Follow the instructions to install the shell integrations, and to grant macOS accessiblity permissions.
Supported command line environments
CodeWhisperer for command line integrates with the following environments:
Operating systems: macOS
Shells: bash, zsh, fish
Terminal emulators: iTerm2, macOS terminal, Hyper, Alacritty, Kitty, wezTerm
IDEs: VS Code terminal, Jetbrains terminals (except Fleet)
CLIs: 500+ of the most popular CLIs such as git, aws, docker, npm, yarn
Verifying your download
After you download CodeWhisperer for command line, you can verify its code signature as follows:
codesign -v /Applications/
If there is no output, then the app's code signature is valid, and it has not been tampered with since it was signed.
For more verbose information about the app signature, run:
codesign -dv --verbose=4 /Applications/
To learn more about the macOS codesign utility, see the Code Signing Guide
Uninstalling CodeWhisperer for command line
To uninstall CodeWhisperer for command line, complete the following steps.
Open a terminal window.
Run the following command:
cw uninstall