RecoveryOptionType - Amazon Cognito User Pools


A recovery option for a user. The AccountRecoverySettingType data type is an array of this object. Each RecoveryOptionType has a priority property that determines whether it is a primary or secondary option.

For example, if verified_email has a priority of 1 and verified_phone_number has a priority of 2, your user pool sends account-recovery messages to a verified email address but falls back to an SMS message if the user has a verified phone number. The admin_only option prevents self-service account recovery.

This data type is a request and response parameter of CreateUserPool and UpdateUserPool, and a response parameter of DescribeUserPool.



The recovery method that this object sets a recovery option for.

Type: String

Valid Values: verified_email | verified_phone_number | admin_only

Required: Yes


Your priority preference for using the specified attribute in account recovery. The highest priority is 1.

Type: Integer

Valid Range: Minimum value of 1. Maximum value of 2.

Required: Yes

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: