Use ListIdentityPools
with an AWS SDK or CLI
The following code examples show how to use ListIdentityPools
To list identity pools
This example lists identity pools. There s a maximum of 20 identities listed.
aws cognito-identity list-identity-pools --max-results
{ "IdentityPools": [ { "IdentityPoolId": "us-west-2:11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111", "IdentityPoolName": "MyIdentityPool" }, { "IdentityPoolId": "us-west-2:11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111", "IdentityPoolName": "AnotherIdentityPool" }, { "IdentityPoolId": "us-west-2:11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111", "IdentityPoolName": "IdentityPoolRegionA" } ] }
For API details, see ListIdentityPools
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
- Java
- SDK for Java 2.x
There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository
. import; import; import; import; import; /** * Before running this Java V2 code example, set up your development * environment, including your credentials. * * For more information, see the following documentation topic: * * */ public class ListIdentityPools { public static void main(String[] args) { CognitoIdentityClient cognitoClient = CognitoIdentityClient.builder() .region(Region.US_EAST_1) .build(); listIdPools(cognitoClient); cognitoClient.close(); } public static void listIdPools(CognitoIdentityClient cognitoClient) { try { ListIdentityPoolsRequest poolsRequest = ListIdentityPoolsRequest.builder() .maxResults(15) .build(); ListIdentityPoolsResponse response = cognitoClient.listIdentityPools(poolsRequest); response.identityPools().forEach(pool -> { System.out.println("Pool ID: " + pool.identityPoolId()); System.out.println("Pool name: " + pool.identityPoolName()); }); } catch (CognitoIdentityProviderException e) { System.err.println(e.awsErrorDetails().errorMessage()); System.exit(1); } } }
For API details, see ListIdentityPools in AWS SDK for Java 2.x API Reference.
- PowerShell
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: Retrieves a list of existing Identity Pools.
IdentityPoolId IdentityPoolName -------------- ---------------- us-east-1:0de2af35-2988-4d0b-b22d-EXAMPLEGUID1 CommonTests1 us-east-1:118d242d-204e-4b88-b803-EXAMPLEGUID2 Tests2 us-east-1:15d49393-ab16-431a-b26e-EXAMPLEGUID3 CommonTests13
For API details, see ListIdentityPools in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
- Swift
- SDK for Swift
There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository
. import AWSCognitoIdentity /// Return the ID of the identity pool with the specified name. /// /// - Parameters: /// - name: The name of the identity pool whose ID should be returned. /// /// - Returns: A string containing the ID of the specified identity pool /// or `nil` on error or if not found. /// func getIdentityPoolID(name: String) async throws -> String? { let listPoolsInput = ListIdentityPoolsInput(maxResults: 25) // Use "Paginated" to get all the objects. // This lets the SDK handle the 'nextToken' field in "ListIdentityPoolsOutput". let pages = cognitoIdentityClient.listIdentityPoolsPaginated(input: listPoolsInput) do { for try await page in pages { guard let identityPools = page.identityPools else { print("ERROR: listIdentityPoolsPaginated returned nil contents.") continue } /// Read pages of identity pools from Cognito until one is found /// whose name matches the one specified in the `name` parameter. /// Return the matching pool's ID. for pool in identityPools { if pool.identityPoolName == name { return pool.identityPoolId! } } } } catch { print("ERROR: getIdentityPoolID:", dump(error)) throw error } return nil }
Get the ID of an existing identity pool or create it if it doesn't already exist.
import AWSCognitoIdentity /// Return the ID of the identity pool with the specified name. /// /// - Parameters: /// - name: The name of the identity pool whose ID should be returned /// /// - Returns: A string containing the ID of the specified identity pool. /// Returns `nil` if there's an error or if the pool isn't found. /// public func getOrCreateIdentityPoolID(name: String) async throws -> String? { // See if the pool already exists. If it doesn't, create it. do { guard let poolId = try await getIdentityPoolID(name: name) else { return try await createIdentityPool(name: name) } return poolId } catch { print("ERROR: getOrCreateIdentityPoolID:", dump(error)) throw error } }
For more information, see AWS SDK for Swift developer guide.
For API details, see ListIdentityPools
in AWS SDK for Swift API reference.
For a complete list of AWS SDK developer guides and code examples, see Using this service with an AWS SDK. This topic also includes information about getting started and details about previous SDK versions.