Analysis jobs for custom classification (API)
After you create and train a custom document classifier, you can use the classifier to run analysis jobs.
Use the StartDocumentClassificationJob operation to start classifying unlabeled documents. You specify the S3 bucket that contains the input documents, the S3 bucket for the output documents, and the classifier to use.
To achieve the highest level of accuracy in training a model, match the type of input to the classifier model type. The classifier job returns a warning if you submit native documents to a plain-text model, or plain text documents to a native document model. For more information, see Training classification models.
StartDocumentClassificationJob is asynchronous. Once you have started the job, use the
DescribeDocumentClassificationJob operation to monitor its progress. When the Status
field in the response shows COMPLETED
, you can
access the output in the location that you specified.
Using the AWS Command Line Interface
The following examples the StartDocumentClassificationJob
operation, and other custom classifier
APIs with the AWS CLI.
The following examples use the command format for Unix, Linux, and macOS. For Windows, replace the backslash (\) Unix continuation character at the end of each line with a caret (^).
Run a custom classification job using the
aws comprehend start-document-classification-job \ --region
\ --document-classifier-arn arn:aws:comprehend:region
:account number
:document-classifier/testDelete \ --input-data-config S3Uri=s3://S3Bucket
/docclass/file name
,InputFormat=ONE_DOC_PER_LINE \ --output-data-config S3Uri=s3://S3Bucket
/output \ --data-access-role-arn arn:aws:iam::account number
:role/resource name
Get information on a custom classifier with the job id using the
aws comprehend describe-document-classification-job \ --region
\ --job-idjob id
List all custom classification jobs in your account using the
aws comprehend list-document-classification-jobs --region
Using the AWS SDK for Java or SDK for Python
For SDK examples of how to start a custom classifier job, see Use StartDocumentClassificationJob with an AWS SDK or CLI.