Configuring flywheels using the console - Amazon Comprehend

Configuring flywheels using the console

You can use the Amazon Comprehend console to create, update, and delete flywheels.

When you create a flywheel, Amazon Comprehend creates a data lake to hold all the data that the flywheel needs, such as the training data and test data for each version of the model.

When you delete a flywheel, Amazon Comprehend doesn't delete the data lake or the model associated with the flywheel.

Review the information in section Flywheel creation before you create a new flywheel.

Create a flywheel

When you create a flywheel, the required configuration fields depend on whether the flywheel is for an existing custom model or a new model.

To create a flywheel
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Comprehend console.

  2. From the left menu, choose Flywheels.

  3. From the Flywheels table, choose Create new flywheel.

  4. Under Flywheel name, enter a name for the flywheel.

  5. (Optional) To create a flywheel for an existing model, configure the fields under Active model version.

    1. From the Model drop-down list, select a model

    2. From the Version drop-down list, select the model version.

  6. (Optional) To create a new classifier model for the flywheel, under Custom model type, choose a Custom classification and configure the parameters in following steps.

    1. Under Language, select the language for the model.

    2. Under Classifier mode, choose single-label mode or multi-label mode.

    3. Under Custom labels, enter one or more custom labels to use for training the model. Each label must match one of the classes in your input training data.

  7. (Optional) To create a new entity recognition model for the flywheel, under Custom model type, choose a Custom entity recognition and configure the parameters in following steps.

    1. Under Language, select the language for the model.

    2. Under Custom entity type, enter up to 25 custom entities to use for training the model. Each label must match one of the entity types in your input training data.

      To create more than one label, perform the following steps multiple times.

      1. Enter a custom label. The label must be all uppercase. Use an underscore as a separator between words in the label.

      2. Choose Add type.

      To remove one of the labels that you've added, choose X to the right of the label name.

  8. Configure your choices for volume encryption, model encryption, and data lake encryption. For each of these, choose whether to use an AWS owned KMS key or a key that you have permission to use.

    • If you are using an AWS owned KMS key, there are no additional parameters.

    • If you are using another existing key, for KMS key ARN enter the ARN for the key ID.

    • If you want to create a new key, choose Create an AWS KMS key.

    For more information on creating and using KMS keys and the associated encryption, see AWS Key Management Service.

    1. Configure the Volume encryption key. Amazon Comprehend uses this key to encrypt the data in the storage volume while your job is being processed. choose whether to use an AWS owned KMS key or a key that you have permission to use.

    2. Configure the Model encryption key. Amazon Comprehend uses this key to encrypt the model data for this model version.

  9. Configure the Data lake location. For more information, see Data lake management.

  10. (Optional) Configure Data lake encryption key. Amazon Comprehend uses this key to encrypt all files in the data lake.

  11. (Optional) Configure VPC settings. Enter the VPC ID under VPC or choose the ID from the drop-down list.

    1. Choose the subnet under Subnets(s). After you select the first subnet, you can choose additional ones.

    2. Under Security Group(s), choose the security group to use if you specified one. After you select the first security group, you can choose additional ones.

  12. Configure the Service access permissions.

    1. If you select Use an existing IAM role, select the role name in the drop-down list.

    2. If you select Create an IAM role, Amazon Comprehend creates a new role. The console displays the permissions that Amazon Comprehend configures for the role. Under Role name, enter a descriptive name for the role.

  13. (Optional) Configure Tags settings. To add a tag, enter a key-value pair under Tags. Choose Add tag. To remove this pair before creating the flywheel, choose Remove tag. For more information, see Tagging your resources.

  14. Choose Create.

Update a flywheel

You can configure the flywheel name, data lake location, model type, and model configuration only when you create the flywheel.

When you update a flywheel, you can specify a different model if the model type and configuration options are the same as the current model. You can configure a new active model version. You can also update encryption details, service access permissions, and VPC settings.

To update a flywheel
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Comprehend console.

  2. From the left menu, choose Flywheels.

  3. From the Flywheels table, choose the flywheel to update.

  4. Under Active model version, choose a model from the Model drop-down list and choose a model version.

    The form populates the model type and model configuration.

  5. (Optional) Configure Volume encryption and Model encryption settings.

  6. (Optional) Configure Data lake encryption settings.

  7. Configure the Service access permissions.

  8. (Optional) Configure VPC settings.

  9. (Optional) Configure Tags settings.

  10. Choose Save.

Delete a flywheel

To delete a flywheel
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Comprehend console.

  2. From the left menu, choose Flywheels.

  3. From the Flywheels table, choose the flywheel to delete.

  4. Choose Delete.