Labeling PII entities - Amazon Comprehend

Labeling PII entities

When you run PII detection, Amazon Comprehend returns the labels of identified PII entity types. For example, if you submit the following input text to Amazon Comprehend:

Hello Paulo Santos. The latest statement for your credit card account 1111-0000-1111-0000 was mailed to 123 Any Street, Seattle, WA 98109.

The output includes labels that represent PII entity types along with a confidence score of the accuracy. In this case, the document text "Paul Santos", "1111-0000-1111-0000" and "123 Any Street, Seattle, WA 98109" generate the labels NAME, CREDIT_DEBIT_NUMBER, and ADDRESS respectively as PII entity types. For more information about supported entity types, see PII universal entity types.

Amazon Comprehend provides the following information for each label:

  • The label name of the PII entity type.

  • A score that estimates the probability that the detected text is labeled as a PII entity type.

The input text example above results in the following JSON output.

{ "Labels": [ { "Name": "NAME", "Score": 0.9149109721183777 }, { "Name": "CREDIT_DEBIT_NUMBER", "Score": 0.5698626637458801 } { "Name": "ADDRESS", "Score": 0.9951046109199524 } ] }