After Amazon Comprehend completes the custom classifier model training, it creates output files in the Amazon S3 output location that you specified in the CreateDocumentClassifier API request or the equivalent console request.
Amazon Comprehend creates a confusion matrix when you train a plain-text model or a native document model. It can create additional output files when you train a native document model.
Confusion matrix
When you train a custom classifier model, Amazon Comprehend creates a confusion matrix that provides metrics on how well the model performed in training. This matrix shows a matrix of labels that the model predicted, compared to the actual document labels. Amazon Comprehend uses a portion of the training data to create the confusion matrix.
A confusion matrix provides an indication of which classes could use more data to improve model performance. A class with a high fraction of correct predictions has the highest number of results along the diagonal of the matrix. If the number on the diagonal is a lower number, the class has a lower fraction of correct predictions. You can add more training examples for this class and train the model again. For example, if 40 percent of label A samples get classified as label D, adding more samples for label A and label D enhances the classifier's performance.
After Amazon Comprehend creates the classifier model, the confusion matrix is available in the
file in the S3 output location.
The format of the confusion matrix varies, depending on whether you trained your classifier using multi-class mode or multi-label mode.
Confusion matrix for multi-class mode
In multi-class mode, the individual classes are mutually exclusive, so classification assigns one label to each document. For example, an animal can be a dog or a cat, but not both at the same time.
Consider the following example of a confusion matrix for a multi-class trained classifier:
A B X Y <-(predicted label)
A 1 2 0 4
B 0 3 0 1
X 0 0 1 0
Y 1 1 1 1
(actual label)
In this case, the model predicted the following:
One "A" label was accurately predicted, two "A" labels were incorrectly predicted as "B" labels, and four "A" labels were incorrectly predicted as "Y" labels.
Three "B" labels were accurately predicted, and one "B" label was incorrectly predicted as a "Y" label.
One "X" was accurately predicted.
One "Y" label was accurately predicted, one was incorrectly predicted as an "A" label, one was incorrectly predicted as a "B" label, and one was incorrectly predicted as an "X" label.
The diagonal line in the matrix (A:A, B:B, X:X, and Y:Y) shows the accurate predictions. The prediction errors are the values outside of the diagonal. In this case, the matrix shows the following prediction error rates:
A labels: 86%
B labels: 25%
X labels: 0%
Y labels: 75%
The classifier returns the confusion matrix as a file in JSON format. The following JSON file represents the matrix for the previous example.
"type": "multi_class",
"confusion_matrix": [
[1, 2, 0,4],
[0, 3, 0, 1],
[0, 0, 1, 0],
[1, 1, 1, 1]],
"labels": ["A", "B", "X", "Y"],
"all_labels": ["A", "B", "X", "Y"]
Confusion matrix for multi-label mode
In multi-label mode, classification can assign one or more classes to a document. Consider the following example of a confusion matrix for a multi-class trained classifier.
In this example, there are three possible labels: Comedy
, Action
, and
. The multi-label confusion matrix creates one 2x2 matrix for each label.
Comedy Action Drama
No Yes No Yes No Yes <-(predicted label)
No 2 1 No 1 1 No 3 0
Yes 0 2 Yes 2 1 Yes 1 1
^ ^ ^
| | |
|-----------(was this label actually used)--------|
In this case, the model returned the following for the Comedy
Two instances where a
label was accurately predicted to be present. True positive (TP). -
Two instances where a
label was accurately predicted to be absent. True negative (TN). -
Zero instances where a
label was incorrectly predicted to be present. False positive (FP). -
One instance where a
label was incorrectly predicted to be absent. False negative (FN).
As with a multi-class confusion matrix, the diagonal line in each matrix shows the accurate predictions.
In this case, the model accurately predicted Comedy
labels 80% of the time (TP plus TN) and
incorrectly predicted them 20% of the time (FP plus FN).
The classifier returns the confusion matrix as a file in JSON format. The following JSON file represents the matrix for the previous example.
"type": "multi_label",
"confusion_matrix": [
[[2, 1],
[0, 2]],
[[1, 1],
[2, 1]],
[[3, 0],
[1, 1]]
"labels": ["Comedy", "Action", "Drama"]
"all_labels": ["Comedy", "Action", "Drama"]
Additional outputs for native document models
Amazon Comprehend can create additional output files when you train a native document model.
Amazon Textract output
If Amazon Comprehend invoked the Amazon Textract APIs to extract text for any of the training documents, it saves the Amazon Textract output files in the S3 output location. It uses the following directory structure:
Training documents:
Test documents:
Amazon Comprehend populates the test folder if you provided test documents in the API request.
Document annotation failures
Amazon Comprehend creates the following files in the Amazon S3 output location (in the skipped_documents/ folder) if there are any failed annotations:
File exists if any annotations failed in the training data.
File exists if the request included test data and any annotations failed in the test data.
The failed annotation files are JSONL files with the following format:
"File": "String", "Page": Number, "ErrorCode": "...", "ErrorMessage": "..."}
{"File": "String", "Page": Number, "ErrorCode": "...", "ErrorMessage": "..."