Troubleshooting in Compute Optimizer - AWS Compute Optimizer

Troubleshooting in Compute Optimizer

This section covers troubleshooting why fails or errors might occur while using Compute Optimizer. The solutions provided in this section show how you can mitigate these problems.

Failed to create service-linked role


Accounts show a Failed opt-in status, and a description of Failed to create service-linked role.


Compute Optimizer uses AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service-linked roles. These roles include all of the permissions that the service requires to call other AWS services on your behalf. You must configure permissions to allow an IAM entity (a user, group, or role) to create a service-linked role for Compute Optimizer. The user who tried to opt in to Compute Optimizer might not have the permissions required to have the service-linked role created.


Add the required permissions to the user who performs the Compute Optimizer opt-in. For more information, see Service-linked role permissions.

Failed to enable trusted access


Accounts show a Failed opt-in status, and a description of Failed to enable trusted access.


You can use trusted access to enable Compute Optimizer to perform tasks in your organization and its accounts on your behalf. For more information about AWS Organizations trusted access, see Using AWS Organizations with other AWS services in the AWS Organizations User Guide.When you opt in using your organization's management account and include all member accounts within the organization, trusted access for Compute Optimizer is automatically enabled in your organization account. The user who tried to opt in to Compute Optimizer might not have the permissions required to have trusted access enabled.


Add the required permissions to the user who perform the Compute Optimizer opt-in. For more information, see Permissions required to enable trusted access in the AWS Organizations User Guide. After you add the required permissions, opt in to Compute Optimizer again using your organization's management account and include all member accounts within the organization. For more information, see Opting in to AWS Compute Optimizer.

Failed to get or update enhanced infrastructure metrics recommendation preferences


A banner is displayed that indicates that the Compute Optimizer console could not get or update enhanced infrastructure metrics recommendation preferences.


You might not have the permissions required to view or update recommendation preferences.


Add the required permissions to the user who will view or edit recommendation preferences. For more information, see Policies to grant access to manage Compute Optimizer recommendation preferences.

Troubleshooting failed export jobs

When you try to export your resource recommendations, you might experience one of the following error messages or issues. Use the information provided to try to resolve the error before trying to export your recommendations again.

You don't have permissions to the Amazon S3 bucket specified. Confirm the permissions of your S3 bucket and try again.

Confirm that you have configured the required permissions on your Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see Specifying an existing S3 bucket for your recommendations export.

The Amazon S3 bucket specified is public. Only private S3 buckets are supported.

Your Amazon S3 bucket must be set to block public access. For more information, see Blocking public access to your Amazon S3 storage in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.

You created a scripted or automatic export job but there is recommendation data missing from your Amazon S3 bucket.

Call the DescribeRecommendationExportJobs API to verify the final status of the export job. If the export job failed, try to call the ExportResourceRecommendations API again. For more information, see DescribeRecommendationExportJobs in the AWS Compute Optimizer API Reference.