fms-shield-resource-policy-check - AWS Config


Checks if resources that AWS Shield Advanced can protect are protected by Shield Advanced. The rule is NON_COMPLIANT if a specified resource is not protected.


Resource Types: AWS::CloudFront::Distribution, AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer, AWS::WAFRegional::WebACL, AWS::EC2::EIP, AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer, AWS::ShieldRegional::Protection, AWS::Shield::Protection

Trigger type: Configuration changes

AWS Region: All supported AWS regions except China (Beijing), Asia Pacific (Thailand), Asia Pacific (Jakarta), Asia Pacific (Malaysia), Mexico (Central), Canada West (Calgary), China (Ningxia) Region


Type: String

A unique identifier for a Web ACL.

Type: String

The resource types you specify for the rule to check.

resourceTags (Optional)
Type: String

The resource tags you specify for the rule to check. For example, { "tagKey1" : ["tagValue1"], "tagKey2" : ["tagValue2", "tagValue3"] }.

excludeResourceTags (Optional)
Type: boolean

If true, the rule excludes the resources specified in resourceTags. If false, the rule includes all the resources specified in resourceTags.

fmsManagedToken (Optional)
Type: String

A token generated by AWS Firewall Manager when creating the rule in your account. AWS Config ignores this parameter when you create this rule.

fmsRemediationEnabled (Optional)
Type: boolean

If true, AWS Firewall Manager will update NON_COMPLIANT resources according to FMS policy. AWS Config ignores this parameter when you create this rule.

AWS CloudFormation template

To create AWS Config managed rules with AWS CloudFormation templates, see Creating AWS Config Managed Rules With AWS CloudFormation Templates.