virtualmachine-resources-protected-by-backup-plan - AWS Config


Checks if AWS Backup-Gateway VirtualMachines are protected by a backup plan. The rule is NON_COMPLIANT if the Backup-Gateway VirtualMachine is not covered by a backup plan.


Resource Types: AWS::BackupGateway::VirtualMachine

Trigger type: Periodic

AWS Region: All supported AWS regions


resourceTags (Optional)
Type: String

Tags for AWS Backup-Gateway VirtualMachines for the rule to check, in JSON format {"tagkey" : "tagValue"}.

resourceId (Optional)
Type: String

ID of AWS Backup-Gateway VirtualMachine for the rule to check.

crossRegionList (Optional)
Type: String

Comma-separated list of destination regions for the cross-region backup copy to be kept

crossAccountList (Optional)
Type: String

Comma-separated list of destination accounts for cross-account backup copy to be kept

maxRetentionDays (Optional)
Type: int

The maximum retention period in days for the Backup Vault Lock

minRetentionDays (Optional)
Type: int

The minimum retention period in days for the Backup Vault Lock

backupVaultLockCheck (Optional)
Type: String

Accepted values: 'True' or 'False'. Enter 'True' for the rule to check if the resource is backed up in a locked vault

AWS CloudFormation template

To create AWS Config managed rules with AWS CloudFormation templates, see Creating AWS Config Managed Rules With AWS CloudFormation Templates.