MessageTemplateSearchResultData - Amazon Connect


The result of message template search.



The channel subtype this message template applies to.

Type: String

Valid Values: EMAIL | SMS

Required: Yes


The timestamp when the message template was created.

Type: Timestamp

Required: Yes


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the knowledge base.

Type: String

Pattern: ^arn:[a-z-]*?:wisdom:[a-z0-9-]*?:[0-9]{12}:[a-z-]*?/[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}(?:/[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}){0,2}$

Required: Yes


The identifier of the knowledge base.

Type: String

Pattern: ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}$

Required: Yes


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user who last updated the message template data.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2048.

Pattern: ^arn:[a-z-]+?:[a-z-]+?:[a-z0-9-]*?:([0-9]{12})?:[a-zA-Z0-9-:/]+$

Required: Yes


The timestamp when the message template data was last modified.

Type: Timestamp

Required: Yes


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the message template.

Type: String

Pattern: ^arn:[a-z-]*?:wisdom:[a-z0-9-]*?:[0-9]{12}:[a-z-]*?/[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}(?:/[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}){0,2}(:[A-Z0-9_$]+){0,1}$

Required: Yes


The identifier of the message template.

Type: String

Pattern: ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}$

Required: Yes


The name of the message template.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 255.

Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9\s_.,-]+

Required: Yes


The description of the message template.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 255.

Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9\s_.,-]+

Required: No


The configuration information of the grouping of Amazon Q in Connect users.

Type: GroupingConfiguration object

Required: No


Whether the version of the message template is activated.

Type: Boolean

Required: No


The language code value for the language in which the quick response is written. The supported language codes include de_DE, en_US, es_ES, fr_FR, id_ID, it_IT, ja_JP, ko_KR, pt_BR, zh_CN, zh_TW

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 2. Maximum length of 5.

Required: No


The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource.

Type: String to string map

Key Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 128.

Key Pattern: ^(?!aws:)[a-zA-Z+-=._:/]+$

Value Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 256.

Required: No


The version number of the message template version.

Type: Long

Valid Range: Minimum value of 1.

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: