PostCall words or phrases - Exact match
Operator - "CONTAINS_ANY"
Operands – A list of strings
ComparisonValue – "$.ContactLens.PostCall.ExactMatch.Transcript"
FilterClause –
{ "LogicOperator": "AND", // Only "AND" is supported "Filters": [ { "Type": "PostCallContactPeriodSeconds", // Optional filter type. If omitted, the rule applies to the full contact "Data": { // Either "First" or "Last" needs to be specified. "First": number } }, { "Type": "ParticipantRole", "Data": "CUSTOMER" | "AGENT" | "ANY" } ] }
Negate - true or false. If set to true, it means If transcript does not contain any of the words mentioned in the Operands.
PostCall words or phrases - Semantic match
Operator - "CONTAINS_ANY"
Operands – A list of strings
ComparisonValue – "$.ContactLens.PostCall.SemanticMatch.Transcript"
FilterClause –
{ "LogicOperator": "AND", // Only "AND" is supported "Filters": [ { "Type": "PostCallContactPeriodSeconds", // Optional filter type. If omitted, the rule applies to the full contact "Data": { // Either "First" or "Last" needs to be specified. "First": number } }, { "Type": "ParticipantRole", "Data": "CUSTOMER" | "AGENT" | "ANY" } ] }
Negate - true or false. If set to true, it means If transcript does not contain any of the words mentioned in the Operands.
PostCall natural language - Semantic match
Operator - "EQUALS"
Operands – A list with a single string
ComparisonValue – ""$.ContactLens.PostCall.SemanticMatch.Phrase"
FilterClause –
{ Operator: "EQUALS", Operands: [ "Customer called to change their address and agent proceeded with the address change during the call." ], ComparisonValue: "$.ContactLens.PostCall.SemanticMatch.Phrase", Negate: true or false },
Negate - true or false. If set to true, it means If transcript does not contain any of the words mentioned in the Operands.
PostCall words or phrases - Pattern match
Operator - "CONTAINS_ANY"
Operands – A list of pattern match objects. See PatternMatch Operands.
ComparisonValue – "$.ContactLens.PostCall.PatternMatch.Transcript"
FilterClause –
{ "LogicOperator": "AND", // Only "AND" is supported "Filters": [ { "Type": "PostCallContactPeriodSeconds", // Optional filter type. If omitted, the rule applies to the full contact "Data": { // Either "First" or "Last" needs to be specified. "First": number } }, { "Type": "ParticipantRole", "Data": "CUSTOMER" | "AGENT" | "ANY" }, { "Type": "PatternMatchLanguageFilter", "Data": "EN"|"ES"|"AR"|"DE"|"FR"|"HI"|"IT"|"PT"|"KO"|"JA"|"ZH" } ] }
Negate - true or false. If set to true, it means If transcript does not contain any of the words mentioned in the Operands.
PostCall agent condition
Operator - "CONTAINS_ANY"
Operands – A list of agent IDs
ComparisonValue – "$.ContactLens.PostCall.Agent.AgentId"
Negate - false
PostCall queue condition
Operator - "CONTAINS_ANY"
Operands – A list of queue IDs.
ComparisonValue – "$.ContactLens.PostCall.Queue.QueueId"
Negate - true/false. If set to true, it means If queue is not any of the queues mentioned in the Operands. .
PostCall contact attributes condition
Operator - "EQUALS"
Operands – An array of string, array length can only be 1. Value is the contact attribute value.
ComparisonValue – "$.ContactLens.PostCall.ContactAttribute.
" -
Negate - true/false. If set to true, it means
does not equal to the attribute value specified in the Operands. .
PostCall sentiment state condition
Operator - "EQUALS"
Operands – An array of string, array length can only be 1. Value is one of "POSITIVE", "NEGATIVE", "NEUTRAL".
ComparisonValue – "$.ContactLens.PostCall.Sentiment.State"
FilterClause –
{ "LogicOperator": "AND", // Only "AND" is supported "Filters": [ { "Type": "ParticipantRole", "Data": "CUSTOMER" | "AGENT" | "ANY" }, ] }
Negate - false
PostCall sentiment overall score condition
Operator - "NumberLessOrEqualTo | "NumberGreaterOrEqualTo"
Operands – An array of number, array length can only be 1. Value is an integer between -5 and 5, inclusive.
ComparisonValue – "$.ContactLens.PostCall.Sentiment.OverallScore"
FilterClause –
{ "LogicOperator": "AND", // Only "AND" is supported "Filters": [ { "Type": "ParticipantRole", "Data": "CUSTOMER" | "AGENT" | "ANY" }, ] }
Negate - false
PostCall sentiment score shift condition
PostCall sentiment score shift condition has a compound condition format where Operator is an AND condition and its operands consist of two conditions that represent beginning and end score respectively.
Parameters that represent the beginning score
Operator - "NumberLessOrEqualTo | "NumberGreaterOrEqualTo"
Operands – An array of number, array length can only be 1. Value is an integer between -5 and 5, inclusive.
ComparisonValue – "$.ContactLens.PostCall.Sentiment.Score.Beginning"
FilterClause –
{ "LogicOperator": "AND", // Only "AND" is supported "Filters": [ { "Type": "ParticipantRole", "Data": "CUSTOMER" | "AGENT" | "ANY" }, ] }
Negate - false
Parameters that represent the end score
Operator - "NumberLessOrEqualTo | "NumberGreaterOrEqualTo"
Operands – An array of number, array length can only be 1. Value is an integer between -5 and 5, inclusive.
ComparisonValue – "$.ContactLens.PostCall.Sentiment.Score.End"
FilterClause –
{ "LogicOperator": "AND", // Only "AND" is supported "Filters": [ { "Type": "ParticipantRole", "Data": "CUSTOMER" | "AGENT" | "ANY" }, ] }
Negate - false
Following is an example:
{ "Operator": "AND", "Operands": [ { "Operator": "NumberGreaterOrEqualTo", "Operands": [ 2 ], "ComparisonValue": "$.ContactLens.PostCall.Sentiment.Score.Beginning", "FilterClause": { "LogicOperator": "AND", "Filters": [ { "Type": "ParticipantRole", "Data": "AGENT" } ] }, "Negate": false }, { "Operator": "NumberGreaterOrEqualTo", "Operands": [ 3 ], "ComparisonValue": "$.ContactLens.PostCall.Sentiment.Score.End", "FilterClause": { "LogicOperator": "AND", "Filters": [ { "Type": "ParticipantRole", "Data": "AGENT" } ] }, "Negate": false } ] }
Parameters for overall score
Operator - "NumberLessOrEqualTo | "NumberGreaterOrEqualTo"
Operands – An array of number, array length can only be 1. Value is an integer between -5 and 5, inclusive.
ComparisonValue – "$.ContactLens.PostCall.Sentiment.OverallScore"
FilterClause –
{ "LogicOperator": "AND", // Only "AND" is supported "Filters": [ { "Type": "ParticipantRole", "Data": "CUSTOMER" | "AGENT" | "ANY" }, ] }
Negate - false
PostCall total non-talk time condition
Operator - "NumberLessOrEqualTo | "NumberGreaterOrEqualTo"
Operands – An array of number, array length can only be 1. Value is an integer with minimum value 1.
ComparisonValue – "$.ContactLens.PostCall.NonTalkTime.TotalTimeSecs"
Negate - false
PostCall longest non-talk time condition
Operator - "NumberLessOrEqualTo" | "NumberGreaterOrEqualTo"
Operands – An array of number, array length can only be 1. Value is an integer with minimum value 1.
ComparisonValue – "$.ContactLens.PostCall.NonTalkTime.LongestTimeSecs"
Negate - false
PostCall interruption condition
Operator - "NumberLessOrEqualTo" | "NumberGreaterOrEqualTo"
Operands – An array of number, array length can only be 1. Value is an integer with minimum value 1.
ComparisonValue – "$.ContactLens.PostCall.Interruptions.Instances"
Negate - false
PostCall total hold time condition
Operator - "NumberLessOrEqualTo" | "NumberGreaterOrEqualTo"
Operands – An array of number, array length can only be 1. Value is an integer with minimum value 1.
ComparisonValue – "$.ContactLens.PostCall.Agent.CustomerHoldDurationSecs"
Negate - false
PostCall longest hold time condition
Operator - "NumberLessOrEqualTo" | "NumberGreaterOrEqualTo"
Operands – An array of number, array length can only be 1. Value is an integer with minimum value 1.
ComparisonValue – "$.ContactLens.PostCall.Agent.LongestHoldDurationSecs"
Negate - false
PostCall number of holds condition
Operator - "NumberLessOrEqualTo" | "NumberGreaterOrEqualTo"
Operands – An array of number, array length can only be 1. Value is an integer with minimum value 1.
ComparisonValue – "$.ContactLens.PostCall.Agent.NumberOfHolds"
Negate - false
PostCall agent interaction duration condition
Operator - "NumberLessOrEqualTo" | "NumberGreaterOrEqualTo"
Operands – An array of number, array length can only be 1. Value is an integer with minimum value 1.
Negate - false