Resource identifiers for APIs and controls - AWS Control Tower

Resource identifiers for APIs and controls

Each control in AWS Control Tower has unique identifiers for use with the control APIs. You can call a control API using a global identifier or a Region-based identifier.

  • The AWS Control Tower identifer is Region-based and has been available longer.

  • We recommend that you use the global identifiers for most use cases in AWS Control Tower.

Regional and global identifiers

A global identifier (ARN) is available for all controls that are part of AWS Control Catalog. This identifier is independent of any AWS Region. All AWS Control Tower controls are included in AWS Control Catalog, and each AWS Control Tower control has a global identifier.

Also, each AWS Control Tower control has a Regional identifier (ARN), which is a unique identifier for each Region in which AWS Control Tower operates. The identifier for each control is shown in the Tables of control metadata.

  • The Regional identifier is not shown in the AWS Control Tower console, only in documentation.

  • The global identifier is shown in the API controlIdentifier field, on the Control details page in the AWS Control Tower console. For a full list of global identifiers, see All global identifiers for AWS Control Tower controls.


The API controlIdentifier is distinct from the ControlID field, which is a classification system for controls.

View the Regional control identifiers for all controls

To view the Regional controlIdentifier ARN for each control and Region, and other metadata, see Tables of control metadata. The tables also include the identifiers for Security Hub controls that are part of the AWS Security Hub Service-Managed Standard: AWS Control Tower.

How to change from AWS Control Tower control ARNs (Regional) to Control Catalog control ARNs (global)
  1. Deactivate the enabled control that has the ARN you wish to change.

  2. Re-enable the control and specify the Control Catalog ARN, which will create a new AWS resource that has the Control Catalog ARN.


When you disable the control, your environment may experience a gap in governance until the new control resource is enabled.

View global control identifiers in the console

To view the global control identifiers and other details about AWS Control Tower controls in the console, navigate to the Control details page in the AWS Control Tower console. You can find the identifier in the API controlIdentifier field.

Example forms of identifiers

Here are examples of identifiers you may see.

  • Security Hub example API controlIdentifier (regional): arn:aws:controltower:us-east-1::control/OOTDCUSIKIZZ

  • Legacy control example API controlIdentifier (regional): arn:aws:controltower:us-east-1::control/AWS-GR_LOG_GROUP_POLICY

  • Proactive control example API controlIdentifier (regional): arn:aws:controltower:us-east-1::control/EHSOKSSMVFWF

  • Control catalog example API controlIdentifier (global): arn:aws:controlcatalog:::control/5mhjhod4ky44haldvja2v4x3a

Older controls (legacy controls) include the name of the control in the ARN, but newer controls have a different identifier, and that is expected.

Legacy control example: arn:aws:controltower:us-east-1::control/AWS-GR_CLOUDTRAIL_CHANGE_PROHIBITED

Newer control example: arn:aws:controltower:us-east-1::control/WTDSMKDKDNLE

Find identifiers for OUs

For more information about how to find the resource identifier for an OU and its resources, see Resource types defined by AWS Organizations.

To learn more about how to get information from an OU, see the AWS Organizations API Reference.