Post-deployment steps - AWS Control Tower

Post-deployment steps

After the AFT infrastructure deployment is complete, follow these additional steps to complete the setup process and get ready to provision accounts.

Step 1: Complete CodeConnections with your desired VCS provider

If you choose a third-party VCS provider, AFT establishes CodeConnections, and you confirm them. Refer to Alternatives for version control of source code in AFT to learn how to set up AFT with your preferred VCS.

The initial step of establishing the AWS CodeStar connection is accomplished by AFT. You must confirm the connection.

Step 2: Populate each repository

AFT requires that you manage four repositories:

  1. Account requests – This repository handles placing or updating account requests. Examples available . For more information about AFT account requests, see Provision a new account with AFT.

  2. AFT account provisioning customizations – This repository manages customizations that are applied to all accounts created by and managed with AFT, before beginning the global customizations stage. Examples available . To create AFT account provisioning customizations, see Create your AFT account provisioning customizations state machine.

  3. Global customizations – This repository manages customizations that are applied to all accounts created by and managed with AFT. Examples available . To create AFT global customizations, see Apply global customizations.

  4. Account customizations – This repository manages customizations that are applied only to specific accounts created by and managed with AFT. Examples available . To create AFT account customizations, see Apply account customizations.

AFT expects that each of these repositories follow a specific directory structure. The templates that are used to populate your repositories and instructions that describe how to populate the templates are available in the Account Factory for Terraform module in the AFT github repository.