Types of governance drift
Governance drift, also called organizational drift occurs when OUs, SCPs, and member accounts are changed or updated. The types of governance drift that can be detected in AWS Control Tower are as follows:
Another type of drift is landing zone drift, which may be found through the management account. Landing zone drift consists of IAM role drift, or any type of organizational drift that specifically affects Foundational OUs and shared accounts.
A special case of landing zone drift is role drift, which is detected when a required role is not available. If this type of drift occurs, the console displays a warning page and some instructions on how to restore the role. Your landing zone is unavailable until the role drift is resolved. For more information about drift, see Don't delete required roles in the section called Types of drift to resolve right away.
AWS Control Tower reports control drift regarding controls implemented with resource control policies (RCPs), and controls that are part of the AWS Security Hub Service-managed Standard: AWS Control Tower.
AWS Control Tower does not look for drift regarding other services that work with the management account, including CloudTrail, CloudWatch, IAM Identity Center, AWS CloudFormation, AWS Config, and so forth. No drift detection is available in child accounts, because these accounts are protected by preventive mandatory controls.
Moved member account
This type of drift occurs on the account rather than the OU. This type of drift can occur when an AWS Control Tower member account, the audit account, or the log archive account is moved from a registered AWS Control Tower OU to any other OU. The following is an example of the Amazon SNS notification when this type of drift is detected.
{ "Message" : "AWS Control Tower has detected that your member account '
@amazon.com (012345678909
)' has been moved from organizational unit 'Sandbox (ou-0123-eEXAMPLE
)' to 'Security (ou-3210-1EXAMPLE
)'. For more information, including steps to resolve this issue, see 'https://docs.aws.amazon.com/console/controltower/move-account'", "ManagementAccountId" : "012345678912
", "OrganizationId" : "o-123EXAMPLE
", "DriftType" : "ACCOUNT_MOVED_BETWEEN_OUS", "RemediationStep" : "Re-register this organizational unit (OU), or if the OU has more than 1000 accounts, you must update the provisioned product in Account Factory.", "AccountId" : "012345678909
", "SourceId" : "012345678909
", "DestinationId" : "ou-3210-1EXAMPLE
" }
When this type of drift occurs for an Account Factory provisioned account in an OU with up to 1000 accounts, you can resolve it by:
Navigating to the Organization page in the AWS Control Tower console, selecting the account, and choosing Update account at the upper right (fastest option for individual accounts).
Navigating to the Organization page in the AWS Control Tower console, then choosing Re-register for the OU that contains the account (fastest option for multiple accounts). For more information, see Register an existing organizational unit with AWS Control Tower.
Updating the provisioned product in Account Factory. For more information, see Update and move account factory accounts with AWS Control Tower or with AWS Service Catalog.
If you have several individual accounts to update, also see this method for making updates with a script: Provision and update accounts using automation.
When this type of drift occurs in an OU with more than 1000 accounts, the drift resolution may depend on which type of account has been moved, as explained in the next paragraphs. For more information, see Update your landing zone.
If an Account Factory provisioned account is moved – In an OU with fewer than 1000 accounts, you can resolve the account drift by updating the provisioned product in Account Factory, by re-registering the OU, or by updating your landing zone.
In an OU with more than 1000 accounts, you must resolve the drift by making an update to each moved account, either through the AWS Control Tower console or the provisioned product, because Re-register OU will not perform the update. For more information, see Update and move account factory accounts with AWS Control Tower or with AWS Service Catalog.
If a shared account is moved – You can resolve the drift from moving the audit or log archive account by updating your landing zone. For more information, see Update your landing zone.
Deprecated field name
The field name MasterAccountID
has been changed to
to comply with AWS guidelines. The
old name is deprecated. Since 2022, scripts
that contain the deprecated field name no longer work.
Removed member account
This type of drift can occur when a member account is removed from a registered AWS Control Tower organizational unit. The following example shows the Amazon SNS notification when this type of drift is detected.
{ "Message" : "AWS Control Tower has detected that the member account
has been removed from organizationo-123EXAMPLE
. For more information, including steps to resolve this issue, see 'https://docs.aws.amazon.com/console/controltower/remove-account'", "ManagementAccountId" : "012345678912
", "OrganizationId" : "o-123EXAMPLE
", "DriftType" : "ACCOUNT_REMOVED_FROM_ORGANIZATION", "RemediationStep" : "Add account to Organization and update Account Factory provisioned product", "AccountId" : "012345678909
" }
When this type of drift occurs in a member account, you can resolve the drift by updating the account in the AWS Control Tower console, or in Account Factory. For example, you can add the account to another registered OU from the Account Factory update wizard. For more information, see Update and move account factory accounts with AWS Control Tower or with AWS Service Catalog.
If a shared account is removed from a Foundational OU, you must resolve the drift by resetting your landing zone. Until this drift is resolved, you will not be able to use the AWS Control Tower console.
For more information about resolving drift for accounts and OUs, see If you manage resources outside of AWS Control Tower.
In Service Catalog, the Account Factory provisioned product that represents the
account is not updated to remove the account. Instead, the provisioned
product is displayed as TAINTED
and in an error state. To clean
up, go to the Service Catalog, choose the provisioned product, and then choose
Unplanned update to managed SCP
This type of drift can occur when an SCP for a control is updated in the AWS Organizations console or programmatically using the AWS CLI or one of the AWS SDKs. The following is an example of the Amazon SNS notification when this type of drift is detected.
{ "Message" : "AWS Control Tower has detected that the managed service control policy '
)', attached to the registered organizational unit 'Security (ou-0123-1EXAMPLE
)', has been modified. For more information, including steps to resolve this issue, see 'https://docs.aws.amazon.com/console/controltower/update-scp'", "ManagementAccountId" : "012345678912
", "OrganizationId" : "o-123EXAMPLE
", "DriftType" : "SCP_UPDATED", "RemediationStep" : "Update Control Tower Setup", "OrganizationalUnitId" : "ou-0123-1EXAMPLE
", "PolicyId" : "p-tEXAMPLE
" }
When this type of drift occurs in an OU with up to 1000 accounts, you can resolve it by:
Navigating to the Organization page in the AWS Control Tower console to re-register the OU (fastest option). For more information, see Register an existing organizational unit with AWS Control Tower.
Updating your landing zone (slower option). For more information, see Update your landing zone.
When this type of drift occurs in an OU with more than 1000 accounts, resolve it by updating your landing zone. For more information, see Update your landing zone.
SCP attached to managed OU
This type of drift can occur when an SCP for a control is attached to any other OU. This occurrence is especially common when you are working on your OUs from outside of the AWS Control Tower console. The following is an example of the Amazon SNS notification when this type of drift is detected.
{ "Message" : "AWS Control Tower has detected that the managed service control policy '
)' has been attached to the registered organizational unit 'Sandbox (ou-0123-1EXAMPLE
)'. For more information, including steps to resolve this issue, see 'https://docs.aws.amazon.com/console/controltower/scp-detached-ou'", "ManagementAccountId" : "012345678912
", "OrganizationId" : "o-123EXAMPLE
", "DriftType" : "SCP_ATTACHED_TO_OU", "RemediationStep" : "Update Control Tower Setup", "OrganizationalUnitId" : "ou-0123-1EXAMPLE
", "PolicyId" : "p-tEXAMPLE
" }
When this type of drift occurs in an OU with up to 1000 accounts, you can resolve it by:
Navigating to the Organization page in the AWS Control Tower console to re-register the OU (fastest option). For more information, see Register an existing organizational unit with AWS Control Tower.
Updating your landing zone (slower option). For more information, see Update your landing zone.
When this type of drift occurs in an OU with more than 1000 accounts, resolve it by updating your landing zone. For more information, see Update your landing zone.
SCP detached from managed OU
This type of drift can occur when an SCP for a control has been detached from an OU that's managed by AWS Control Tower. This occurrence is especially common when you're working from outside of the AWS Control Tower console. The following is an example of the Amazon SNS notification when this type of drift is detected.
{ "Message" : "AWS Control Tower has detected that the managed service control policy '
)' has been detached from the registered organizational unit 'Sandbox (ou-0123-1EXAMPLE
)'. For more information, including steps to resolve this issue, see 'https://docs.aws.amazon.com/console/controltower/scp-detached'", "ManagementAccountId" : "012345678912
", "OrganizationId" : "o-123EXAMPLE
", "DriftType" : "SCP_DETACHED_FROM_OU", "RemediationStep" : "Update Control Tower Setup", "OrganizationalUnitId" : "ou-0123-1EXAMPLE
", "PolicyId" : "p-tEXAMPLE
" }
When this type of drift occurs in an OU with up to 1000 accounts, you can resolve it by:
Navigating to the OU in the AWS Control Tower console to re-register the OU (fastest option). For more information, see Register an existing organizational unit with AWS Control Tower.
Updating your landing zone (slower option). If the drift is affecting a mandatory control, the update process creates a new service control policy (SCP) and attaches it to the OU to resolve the drift. For more information about how to update your landing zone, see Update your landing zone.
When this type of drift occurs in an OU with more than 1000 accounts, resolve it by updating your landing zone. If the drift is affecting a mandatory control, the update process creates a new service control policy (SCP) and attaches it to the OU to resolve the drift. For more information about how to update your landing zone, see Update your landing zone.
SCP attached to member account
This type of drift can occur when an SCP for a control is attached to an account in the Organizations console. Guardrails and their SCPs can be enabled on OUs (and thus applied to all of an OU's enrolled accounts) through the AWS Control Tower console. The following is an example of the Amazon SNS notification when this type of drift is detected.
{ "Message" : "AWS Control Tower has detected that the managed service control policy '
)' has been attached to the member account 'account-email
@amazon.com (012345678909
)'. For more information, including steps to resolve this issue, see 'https://docs.aws.amazon.com/console/controltower/scp-detached-account'", "ManagementAccountId" : "012345678912
", "OrganizationId" : "o-123EXAMPLE
", "DriftType" : "SCP_ATTACHED_TO_ACCOUNT", "RemediationStep" : "Re-register this organizational unit (OU)", "AccountId" : "012345678909
", "PolicyId" : "p-tEXAMPLE
" }
This type of drift occurs on the account rather than the OU.
When this type of drift occurs for accounts in a Foundational OU, such as the Security OU, the resolution is to update your landing zone. For more information, see Update your landing zone.
When this type of drift occurs in a non-Foundational OU with up to 1000 accounts, you can resolve it by:
Detaching the AWS Control Tower SCP from the account factory account.
Navigating to the OU in the AWS Control Tower console to re-register the OU (fastest option). For more information, see Register an existing organizational unit with AWS Control Tower.
When this type of drift occurs in an OU with more than 1000 accounts, you may attempt to resolve it by updating the account factory configuration for the account. It may not be possible to resolve it successfully. For more information, see Update your landing zone.
Deleted Foundational OU
This type of drift applies only to AWS Control Tower Foundational OUs, such as the Security OU. It can occur if a Foundational OU is deleted outside of the AWS Control Tower console. Foundational OUs cannot be moved without creating this type of drift, because moving an OU is the same as deleting it and then adding it someplace else. When you resolve the drift by updating your landing zone, AWS Control Tower replaces the Foundational OU in the original location. The following example shows an Amazon SNS notification you may receive when this type of drift is detected.
{ "Message" : "AWS Control Tower has detected that the registered organizational unit 'Security (
)' has been deleted. For more information, including steps to resolve this issue, see 'https://docs.aws.amazon.com/console/controltower/delete-ou'", "ManagementAccountId" : "012345678912
", "OrganizationId" : "o-123EXAMPLE
", "DriftType" : "ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_DELETED", "RemediationStep" : "Delete organizational unit in Control Tower", "OrganizationalUnitId" : "ou-0123-1EXAMPLE
" }
Because this drift occurs for Foundational OUs only, the resolution is to update the landing zone. When other types of OUs are deleted, AWS Control Tower is updated automatically.
For more information about resolving drift for accounts and OUs, see If you manage resources outside of AWS Control Tower.
Security Hub control drift
This type of drift occurs when a control that's part of the AWS Security Hub Service-Managed Standard: AWS Control Tower reports a state of drift. The AWS Security Hub service itself does not report a state of drift for these controls. Instead, the service sends its findings to AWS Control Tower.
Security Hub control drift also can be detected if AWS Control Tower has not received a status update from Security Hub in more than 24 hours. If those findings are not received as expected, AWS Control Tower verifies that the control is in drift. The following example shows an Amazon SNS notification you may receive when this type of drift is detected.
{ "Message" : "AWS Control Tower has detected that an AWS Security Hub control was removed in your account example-account@amazon.com <mailto:example-account@amazon.com>. The artifact deployed on the target OU and accounts does not match the expected template and configuration for the control. This mismatch indicates that configuration changes were made outside of AWS Control Tower. For more information, view Security Hub standard", "MasterAccountId" : "123456789XXX", "ManagementAccountId" : "123456789XXX", "OrganizationId" : "o-123EXAMPLE", "DriftType" : "SECURITY_HUB_CONTROL_DISABLED", "RemediationStep" : "To remediate the issue, Re-register the OU, or remove the control and enable it again. If the problem persists, contact AWS support.", "AccountId" : "7876543219XXX", "ControlId" : "SH.XXXXXXX.1", "ControlName" : "EBS snapshots should not be publicly restorable", "ApiControlIdentifier" : "arn:aws:controltower:us-east-1::control/PYBETSAGNUZB", "EnabledControlIdentifier": "arn:aws:controltower:us-east-1::enabledcontrol/
". "Region" : "us-east-1" }
For OUs with fewer than 1000 accounts, the recommended resolution is to call the ResetEnabledControl API for the drifted control. In the console, you can select Re-register for the OU, which resets the control to the original state. Alternatively, for any OU, you can remove and re-enable the control through the console or the AWS Control Tower APIs, which also resets the control.
For more information about resolving drift for accounts and OUs, see If you manage resources outside of AWS Control Tower.
Control policy drift
This type of drift occurs when a control that's implemented with resource control policies (RCPs) or declarative policies reports a state of drift. It returns a state of CONTROL_INEFFECTIVE
, which you can view in the AWS Control Tower console and in the drift message. The drift message for this type of drift also includes the EnabledControlIdentifier
for the affected control.
This type of drift is not reported for SCP-based controls.
The following example shows an Amazon SNS notification you may receive when this type of drift is detected.
{ "Message": "AWS Control Tower detects that a policy it owns was updated unexpectedly. This mismatch indicates that configuration changes were made outside of AWS Control Tower.", "MasterAccountId": "123456789XXX", "ManagementAccountId": "123456789XXX", "OrganizationId": "o-123EXAMPLE", "DriftType": "CONTROL_INEFFECTIVE", "RemediationStep": "To remediate the issue, Reset the DRIFTED enabled control if permitted or Re-register the OU. If the problem persists, contact AWS support.", "TargetIdentifier": "arn:aws:::organizations/o-123456/ou-1234-4567", "ControlId": "CT.XXXXXXX.PV.1", "ControlName": "EBS snapshots should not be publicly restorable", "ApiControlIdentifier": "arn:aws:controlcatalog:::control/
, "EnabledControlIdentifier": "arn:aws:controltower:us-east-1::enabledcontrol/<UNIQUE_ID>
" }
The easiest resolution for control policy drift on RCP controls, declarative policy controls, and Security Hub
controls enabled in AWS Control Tower is to call the ResetEnabledControl
For OUs with fewer than 1000 accounts, another resolution from the console or API is to Re-register the OU, which resets the control to the original state.
For any individual OU, you can remove and re-enable the control through the console or the AWS Control Tower APIs, which also resets the control.
For more information about resolving drift for accounts and OUs, see If you manage resources outside of AWS Control Tower.
Trusted access disabled
This type of drift applies to AWS Control Tower landing zones. It occurs when you disable trusted access to AWS Control Tower in AWS Organizations after you set up your AWS Control Tower landing zone.
When trusted access is disabled, AWS Control Tower no longer receives change events from AWS Organizations. AWS Control Tower relies on these change events to stay synchronized with AWS Organizations. As a result, AWS Control Tower may miss organizational changes in accounts and OUs. That is why it is important to re-register each OU, each time you update your landing zone.
Example: Amazon SNS notification
The following is an example of the Amazon SNS notification that you receive when this type of drift occurs.
{ "Message" : "AWS Control Tower has detected that trusted access has been disabled in AWS Organizations. For more information, including steps to resolve this issue, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/controltower/latest/userguide/drift.html#drift-trusted-access-disabled", "ManagementAccountId" : "
", "OrganizationId" : "o-123EXAMPLE
", "DriftType" : "TRUSTED_ACCESS_DISABLED", "RemediationStep" : "Reset Control Tower landing zone." }
AWS Control Tower notifies you when this type of drift occurs in the AWS Control Tower console. The resolution is to reset your AWS Control Tower landing zone. For more information, see Resolving drift.