Update your landing zone - AWS Control Tower

Update your landing zone

When a new landing zone version is available, or to make other updates to your landing zone configuration, you can call the UpdateLandingZone API and reference an updated manifest file. This API returns an OperationIdentifier, which you can then use when calling the GetLandingZoneOperation API to check the update operation's status.

To update the landing zone

  1. Call the AWS Control Tower UpdateLandingZone API and refer to the updated landing zone version or your updated manifest.

    aws controltower update-landing-zone --landing-zone-version 3.3 --landing-zone-identifier "arn:aws:controltower:us-west-2:123456789123:landingzone/1A2B3C4D5E6F7G8H" --manifest file://LandingZoneManifest.json


{ "governedRegions": ["us-west-2","us-west-1"], "organizationStructure": { "security": { "name": "Security" }, "sandbox": { "name": "Sandbox" } }, "centralizedLogging": { "accountId": "222222222222", "configurations": { "loggingBucket": { "retentionDays":2555 }, "accessLoggingBucket": { "retentionDays": 2555 }, "kmsKeyArn": "arn:aws:kms:us-west-1:123456789123:key/e84XXXXX-6bXX-49XX-9eXX-ecfXXXXXXXXX" }, "enabled": true }, "securityRoles": { "accountId": "333333333333" }, "accessManagement": { "enabled": true } }


{ "operationIdentifier": "55XXXXXX-e2XX-41XX-a7XX-446XXXXXXXXX" }
Optionally Re-register OU to update accounts

For registered AWS Control Tower OUs with fewer than 300 accounts, you can use the AWS Control Tower console access the OU page in the dashboard and select Re-register OU to update the accounts in that OU.