Guidance on subscribing to SNS Topics - AWS Control Tower

Guidance on subscribing to SNS Topics

Subscribe to SNS topics to get information about your AWS Control Tower environment.

  • The aws-controltower-AllConfigNotifications SNS topic receives all events published by AWS Config, including compliance notifications and Amazon CloudWatch event notifications. For example, this topic informs you if a control violation has occurred. It also gives information about other types of events. (Learn more from AWS Config about what they publish when this topic is configured.)

  • Data Events from the aws-controltower-BaselineCloudTrail trail are set to publish to the aws-controltower-AllConfigNotifications SNS topic as well.

  • To receive detailed compliance notifications, we recommend that you subscribe to the aws-controltower-AllConfigNotifications SNS topic. This topic aggregates compliance notifications from all child accounts.

  • To receive drift notifications and other notifications as well as compliance notifications, but fewer notifications overall, we recommend that you subscribe to the aws-controltower-AggregateSecurityNotifications SNS topic.

  • To receive notifications about AWS Control Tower Account Factory for Terraform (AFT) errors, you can subscribe to an SNS topic called aft_failure_notifications, shown in the AFT repository. For example:

    resource "aws_sns_topic" "aft_failure_notifications" { name = "aft-failure-notifications" kms_master_key_id = "alias/aws/sns" }
  • All SNS topics are encrypted at rest with disk encryption. for more information, see Data encryption.

For more information about SNS topics and compliance, see Prevention and notification.