Examples: Register an AWS Control Tower OU with APIs only - AWS Control Tower

Examples: Register an AWS Control Tower OU with APIs only

This walkthrough of examples is a companion document. For explanations, caveats, and more information, see Types of baselines.


You must have an existing OU that is not registered with AWS Control Tower, and which you would like to register. Or, you must have a registered OU that you would like to re-register for purposes of updating.

Register an OU

  1. Check whether the IdentityCenterBaseline is enabled for the landing zone. If so, get the Identity Center Enabled Baseline identifier.

    aws controltower list-baselines --query 'baselines[?name==`IdentityCenterBaseline`].[arn]'
    aws controltower list-enabled-baselines --query 'enabledBaselines[?baselineIdentifier==`<Identity Center Baseline Arn>`].[arn]'
  2. Get the ARN of the target OU.

    aws organizations describe-organizational-unit --organizational-unit-id <Organizational Unit ID> --query 'OrganizationalUnit.[Arn]'
  3. Get the ARN of the AWSControlTowerBaseline baseline.

    aws controltower list-baselines --query 'baselines[?name==`AWSControlTowerBaseline`].[arn]'
  4. Create the AWSControlTowerBaseline baseline on the target OU.

    If the Identity Center Baseline is enabled:

    aws controltower enable-baseline --baseline-identifier <AWSControlTowerBaseline ARN> --baseline-version <BASELINE VERSION> --target-identifier <OU ARN> --parameters '[{"key":"IdentityCenterEnabledBaselineArn","value":"<Identity Center Enabled Baseline ARN>"}]'

    If the Identity Center Baseline is not enabled, omit the parameters flag, as follows:

    aws controltower enable-baseline --baseline-identifier <AWSControlTowerBaseline ARN> --baseline-version <BASELINE VERSION> --target-identifier <OU ARN>

Re-register an OU

After you make updates to landing zone settings, or update your landing zone version, you must Re-register OUs to give them the latest changes. Follow these steps to re-register an OU programmatically, by resetting the associated EnabledBaseline resource.

  1. Get the ARN of the target OU to re-register.

    aws organizations describe-organizational-unit --organizational-unit-id <OU ID> --query 'OrganizationalUnit.[Arn]'
  2. Get the ARN of the EnabledBaseline resource for the target OU.

    aws controltower list-enabled-baselines --query 'enabledBaselines[?targetIdentifier==`<OUARN>`].[arn]'
  3. Reset the Enabled Baseline.

    aws controltower reset-enabled-baseline --enabled-baseline-identifier <EnabledBaselineArn>