Controlling access for Cost Anomaly Detection - AWS Cost Management

Controlling access for Cost Anomaly Detection

You can use resource-level access controls and attribute-based access control (ABAC) tags for cost anomaly monitors and anomaly subscriptions. Each anomaly monitor and anomaly subscription resource has a unique Amazon Resource Name (ARN). You can also attach tags (key-value pairs) to each feature. Both resource ARNs and ABAC tags can be used to give granular access control to user roles or groups within your AWS accounts.

For more information about resource-level access controls and ABAC tags, see How AWS Cost Management works with IAM.


Cost Anomaly Detection doesn't support resource-based policies. Resource-based policies are directly attached to AWS resources. For more information about the difference between policies and permissions, see Identity-based policies and resource-based policies in the IAM User Guide.

Controlling access using resource-level policies

You can use resource-level permissions to allow or deny access to one or more Cost Anomaly Detection resources in an IAM policy. Alternatively, use resource-level permissions to allow or deny access to all Cost Anomaly Detection resources.

When you create an IAM, use the following Amazon Resource Name (ARN) formats:

  • AnomalyMonitor resource ARN


  • AnomalySubscription resource ARN


To allow the IAM entity to get and create an anomaly monitor or anomaly subscription, use a policy similar to this example policy.

  • For ce:GetAnomalyMonitor and ce:GetAnomalySubscription, users have all or none of the resource-level access control. This requires the policy to use a generic ARN in the form of arn:${partition}:ce::${account-id}:anomalymonitor/*, arn:${partition}:ce::${account-id}:anomalysubscription/*, or *.

  • For ce:CreateAnomalyMonitor and ce:CreateAnomalySubscription, we don't have a resource ARN for this resource. So, the policy always uses the generic ARN that was mentioned in the previous bullet.

  • For ce:GetAnomalies, use the optional monitorArn parameter. When used with this parameter, we confirm if the user has access to the monitorArn passed.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "ce:GetAnomalyMonitors", "ce:CreateAnomalyMonitor" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:ce::999999999999:anomalymonitor/*" }, { "Action": [ "ce:GetAnomalySubscriptions", "ce:CreateAnomalySubscription" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:ce::999999999999:anomalysubscription/*" } ] }

To allow the IAM entity to update or delete anomaly monitors, use a policy similar to this example policy.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "ce:UpdateAnomalyMonitor", "ce:DeleteAnomalyMonitor" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:ce::999999999999:anomalymonitor/f558fa8a-bd3c-462b-974a-000abc12a000", "arn:aws:ce::999999999999:anomalymonitor/f111fa8a-bd3c-462b-974a-000abc12a001" ] } ] }

Controlling access using tags (ABAC)

You can use tags (ABAC) to control access to Cost Anomaly Detection resources that support tagging. To control access using tags, provide the tag information in the Condition element of a policy. You can then create an IAM policy that allows or denies access to a resource based on the resource's tags. You can use tag condition keys to control access to resources, requests, or any part of the authorization process. For more information about IAM roles using tags, see Controlling access to and for users and roles using tags in the IAM User Guide.

Create an identity-based policy that allows updating anomaly monitors. If the monitor tag Owner has the value of the user name, use a policy that's similar to this example policy.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "ce:UpdateAnomalyMonitor" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:ce::*:anomalymonitor/*", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "aws:ResourceTag/Owner": "${aws:username}" } } }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "ce:GetAnomalyMonitors", "Resource": "*" } ] }