Exporting assets to a signed URL as a provider (console) - AWS Data Exchange User Guide

Exporting assets to a signed URL as a provider (console)

As a provider of AWS Data Exchange data products, you can use the AWS Data Exchange console to export AWS Data Exchange assets to destinations other than S3 buckets using the following instructions.

To export an asset to a signed URL as a provider (console)
  1. Open your web browser and sign in to the AWS Data Exchange console.

  2. In the left side navigation pane, for Publish data, choose Owned data sets.

  3. In Owned data sets, choose the product that has the revision you want to export.

  4. Navigate to the Products tab to make sure that the data set is associated with a published product.

  5. On the Revisions tab, choose the revision.

  6. For the Imported assets section, select the check box next to the asset name.

  7. Select Export actions and then choose Download selected assets.

    A job is started to export your asset. After the job is finished, the State field in the Jobs section is updated to Completed.