Service-linked roles for AWS Organization discovery in AWS Data Exchange - AWS Data Exchange User Guide

Service-linked roles for AWS Organization discovery in AWS Data Exchange

AWS Data Exchange uses the service-linked role named AWSServiceRoleForAWSDataExchangeOrganizationDiscovery – this role allows AWS Data Exchange to retrieve information about your AWS organization to determine eligibility for AWS Data Exchange data grants license distribution.


This role is only needed in the AWS Organization's management account.

The AWSServiceRoleForAWSDataExchangeOrganizationDiscovery service-linked role trusts the following services to assume the role:


The role permissions policy named AWSDataExchangeServiceRolePolicyForOrganizationDiscovery allows AWS Data Exchange to complete the following actions on the specified resources:

  • Actions:

    • organizations:DescribeOrganization

    • organizations:DescribeAccount

    • organizations:ListAccounts

  • Resources:

    • All resources (*)

For more information about the AWSDataExchangeServiceRolePolicyForOrganizationDiscovery role, see AWS managed policy: AWSDataExchangeServiceRolePolicyForOrganizationDiscovery.

For more information about using the AWSServiceRoleForAWSDataExchangeOrganizationDiscovery service-linked role, see Using service-linked roles for AWS Data Exchange earlier in this section.

You must configure permissions to allow your users, groups, or roles to create, edit, or delete a service-linked role. For more information, see Service-linked role permissions in the IAM User Guide.