Service-linked role for AWS Data Exchange license management - AWS Data Exchange User Guide

Service-linked role for AWS Data Exchange license management

AWS Data Exchange uses the service-linked role named AWSServiceRoleForAWSDataExchangeLicenseManagement – this role allows AWS Data Exchange to retrieve information about your AWS organization and manage AWS Data Exchange data grants licenses.

The AWSServiceRoleForAWSDataExchangeLicenseManagement service-linked role trusts the following services to assume the role:


The role permissions policy named AWSDataExchangeServiceRolePolicyForLicenseManagement allows AWS Data Exchange to complete the following actions on the specified resources:

  • Actions:

    • organizations:DescribeOrganization

    • license-manager:ListDistributedGrants

    • license-manager:GetGrant

    • license-manager:CreateGrantVersion

    • license-manager:DeleteGrant

  • Resources:

    • All resources (*)

For more information about the AWSDataExchangeServiceRolePolicyForLicenseManagement role, see AWS managed policy: AWSDataExchangeServiceRolePolicyForLicenseManagement.

For more information about using the AWSServiceRoleForAWSDataExchangeLicenseManagement service-linked role, see Using service-linked roles for AWS Data Exchange.

You must configure permissions to allow your users, groups, or roles to create, edit, or delete a service-linked role. For more information, see Service-linked role permissions in the IAM User Guide.