Supported algorithm suites in the AWS Database Encryption SDK - AWS Database Encryption SDK

Supported algorithm suites in the AWS Database Encryption SDK

Our client-side encryption library was renamed to the AWS Database Encryption SDK. This developer guide still provides information on the DynamoDB Encryption Client.

An algorithm suite is a collection of cryptographic algorithms and related values. Cryptographic systems use the algorithm implementation to generate the ciphertext.

The AWS Database Encryption SDK uses an algorithm suite to encrypt and sign the fields in your database. All supported algorithm suites use the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm with Galois/Counter Mode (GCM), known as AES-GCM, to encrypt raw data. The AWS Database Encryption SDK supports 256-bit encryption keys. The length of the authentication tag is always 16 bytes.

AWS Database Encryption SDK Algorithm Suites
Algorithm Encryption algorithm Data key length (in bits) Key derivation algorithm Symmetric signature algorithm Asymmetric signature algorithm Key commitment
Default AES-GCM 256 HKDF with SHA-512 HMAC-SHA-384 ECDSA with P-384 and SHA-384 HKDF with SHA-512
AES-GCM without ECDSA digital signatures AES-GCM 256 HKDF with SHA-512 HMAC-SHA-384 None HKDF with SHA-512
Encryption algorithm

The name and mode of the encryption algorithm used. Algorithm suites in the AWS Database Encryption SDK use the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm with Galois/Counter Mode (GCM).

Data key length

The length of the data key in bits. The AWS Database Encryption SDK supports 256-bit data keys. The data key is used as input to an HMAC-based extract-and-expand key derivation function (HKDF). The output of the HKDF is used as the data encryption key in the encryption algorithm.

Key derivation algorithm

The HMAC-based extract-and-expand key derivation function (HKDF) used to derive the data encryption key. The AWS Database Encryption SDK uses the HKDF defined in RFC 5869.

  • The hash function used is SHA-512

  • For the extract step:

    • No salt is used. Per the RFC, the salt is set to a string of zeros.

    • The input keying material is the data key from the keyring.

  • For the expand step:

    • The input pseudorandom key is the output from the extract step.

    • The key label is the UTF-8-encoded bytes of the DERIVEKEY string in big endian byte order.

    • The input info is a concatenation of the algorithm ID and the key label (in that order).

    • The length of the output keying material is the Data key length. This output is used as the data encryption key in the encryption algorithm.

Symmetric signature algorithm

The Hash-Based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) algorithm used to generate a symmetric signature. All supported algorithm suites include HMAC verification.

The AWS Database Encryption SDK serializes the material description and all fields marked ENCRYPT_AND_SIGN, SIGN_ONLY, or SIGN_AND_INCLUDE_IN_ENCRYPTION_CONTEXT. Then, it uses HMAC with a cryptographic hash function algorithm (SHA-384) to sign the canonicalization.

The symmetric HMAC signature is stored in a new field (aws_dbe_foot) that the AWS Database Encryption SDK adds to the record.

Asymmetric signature algorithm

The signature algorithm used to generate an asymmetric digital signature.

The AWS Database Encryption SDK serializes the material description and all fields marked ENCRYPT_AND_SIGN, SIGN_ONLY, or SIGN_AND_INCLUDE_IN_ENCRYPTION_CONTEXT. Then, it uses the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) with the following specifics to sign the canonicalization:

The asymmetric ECDSA signature is stored with the symmetric HMAC signature in the aws_dbe_foot field.

ECDSA digital signatures are included by default, but not required.

Key commitment

The HMAC-based extract-and-expand key derivation function (HKDF) used to derive the commit key.

  • The hash function used is SHA-512

  • For the extract step:

    • No salt is used. Per the RFC, the salt is set to a string of zeros.

    • The input keying material is the data key from the keyring.

  • For the expand step:

    • The input pseudorandom key is the output from the extract step.

    • The input info is the UTF-8-encoded bytes of the COMMITKEY string in big endian byte order.

    • The length of the output keying material is 256 bits. This output is used as the commit key.

The commit key calculates the record commitment, a distinct 256-bit Hash-Based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) hash, over the material description. For a technical explanation of adding key commitment to an algorithm suite, see Key Committing AEADs in Cryptology ePrint Archive.

By default, the AWS Database Encryption SDK uses an algorithm suite with AES-GCM, an HMAC-based extract-and-expand key derivation function (HKDF), HMAC verification, ECDSA digital signatures, key commitment, and a 256-bit encryption key.

The default algorithm suite includes HMAC verification (symmetric signatures) and ECDSA digital signatures (asymmetric signatures). These signatures are stored in a new field (aws_dbe_foot) that the AWS Database Encryption SDK adds to the record. ECDSA digital signatures are particularly useful when the authorization policy allows one set of users to encrypt data and a different set of users to decrypt data.

The default algorithm suite also derives a key commitment – an HMAC hash that ties the data key to the record. The key commitment value is an HMAC calculated from the material description and commit key. The key commitment value is then stored in the material description. Key commitment ensures that each ciphertext decrypts to only one plaintext. They do this by validating the data key used as input to the encryption algorithm. When encrypting, the algorithm suite derives a key commitment HMAC. Before decrypting, they validate that the data key produces the same key commitment HMAC. If it does not, the decrypt call fails.

AES-GCM without ECDSA digital signatures

Although the default algorithm suite is likely suitable for most applications, you can choose an alternate algorithm suite. For example, some trust models would be satisfied by an algorithm suite without ECDSA digital signatures. Use this suite only when the users who encrypt data and the users who decrypt data are equally trusted.

All AWS Database Encryption SDK algorithm suites include HMAC verification (symmetric signatures). The only difference, is that the AES-GCM algorithm suite without ECDSA digital signature lacks the asymmetric signature that provides an additional layer of authenticity and non-repudiation.

For example, if you have multiple wrapping keys in your keyring, wrappingKeyA, wrappingKeyB, and wrappingKeyC, and you decrypt a record using wrappingKeyA, the HMAC symmetric signature verifies that the record was encrypted by a user with access to wrappingKeyA. If you used the default algorithm suite, the HMACs provide the same verification of wrappingKeyA, and additionally use the ECDSA digital signature to ensure the record was encrypted by a user with encrypt permissions for wrappingKeyA.

To select the AES-GCM algorithm suite without digital signatures, include the following snippet in your encryption configuration.


The following snippet specifies the AES-GCM algorithm suite without ECDSA digital signatures. For more information, see Encryption configuration in the AWS Database Encryption SDK for DynamoDB.

.algorithmSuiteId( DBEAlgorithmSuiteId.ALG_AES_256_GCM_HKDF_SHA512_COMMIT_KEY_SYMSIG_HMAC_SHA384)
C# / .NET

The following snippet specifies the AES-GCM algorithm suite without ECDSA digital signatures. For more information, see Encryption configuration in the AWS Database Encryption SDK for DynamoDB.

AlgorithmSuiteId = DBEAlgorithmSuiteId.ALG_AES_256_GCM_HKDF_SHA512_COMMIT_KEY_SYMSIG_HMAC_SHA384

The following snippet specifies the AES-GCM algorithm suite without ECDSA digital signatures. For more information, see Encryption configuration in the AWS Database Encryption SDK for DynamoDB.

.algorithm_suite_id( DbeAlgorithmSuiteId::AlgAes256GcmHkdfSha512CommitKeyEcdsaP384SymsigHmacSha384, )