Create a new column, based on the result of logical condition CASE. The case operation goes through case conditions and returns a value when the first condition is met. Once a condition is true, the operation stops reading and returns the result. If no conditions are true, it returns the default value.
– Conditions. -
– Configuration for aggregate results. -
– Name for the newly created column.
"RecipeStep": {
"Action": {
"Operation": "CASE_OPERATION",
"Parameters": {
"valueExpression": "case when `column11` < `column.2` then 'result1' when `column2` < 'value2' then 'result2' else 'high' end",
"targetColumn": "result.column"
Valid aggregate functions
The table below shows all of the valid aggregate functions that can be used in a case operation.
Column type | Condition | valueExpression | withExpressions | Return value |
Numeric |
Sum |
`:sum.column.1` |
Returns the sum of |
Mean |
`:mean.column.1` |
Returns the mean of |
Mean absolute deviation |
`:meanabsolutedeviation.column.1` |
Returns the mean absolute deviation of |
Median |
`:median.column.1` |
Returns the median of |
Product |
`:product.column.1` |
Returns the product of |
Standard deviation |
`:standarddeviation.column.1` |
Returns the standard deviation of |
Variance |
`:variance.column.1` |
Returns the variance of |
Standard error of mean |
`:standarderrorofmean.column.1` |
Returns the standard error of mean of |
Skewness |
`:skewness.column.1` |
Returns the skewness of |
Kurtosis |
`:kurtosis.column.1` |
Returns the kurtosis of |
Datetime/Numeric/Text |
Count |
`:count.column.1` |
Returns the total number of rows in |
Count distinct |
`:countdistinct.column.1` |
Returns the total number of distinct rows in |
Min |
`:min.column.1` |
Returns the minimum value of |
Max |
`:max.column.1` |
Returns the maximum value of |
Valid conditions in a valueExpression
The table below shows supported conditions and the value expressions you can use.
Column type | Condition | valueExpression | Description |
String |
Contains |
contains(`column`, 'text') |
Condition to test if the value in column contains text |
Does not contain |
!contains(`column`, 'text') |
Condition to test if the value in column is does not contain text |
Matches |
matches(`column`, 'pattern') |
Condition to test if the value in column matches pattern |
Does not match |
!matches(`column`, 'pattern') |
Condition to test if the value in column does not match pattern |
Starts with |
startsWith(`column`, 'text') |
Condition to test if the value in column starts with text |
Does not start with |
!startsWith(`column`, 'text') |
Condition to test if the value in column does not start with text |
Ends with |
endsWith(`column`, 'text') |
Condition to test if the value in column ends with text |
Does not end with |
!endsWith(`column`, 'text') |
Condition to test if the value in column does not end with text |
Numeric |
Less than |
`column` < number |
Condition to test if the value in column is less than number |
Less than or equal to |
`column` <= number |
Condition to test if the value in column is less than or equal to number |
Greater than |
`column` > number |
Condition to test if the value in column is greater than number |
Greater than or equal to |
`column` >= number |
Condition to test if the value in column is greater than or equal to number |
Is between |
isBetween(`column`, minNumber, maxNumber) |
Condition to test if the value in column is in between minNumber and maxNumber |
Is not between |
!isBetween(`column`, minNumber, maxNumber) |
Condition to test if the value in column is not in between minNumber and maxNumber |
Boolean |
Is true |
`column` = TRUE |
Condition to test if the value in column is boolean TRUE |
Is false |
`column` = FALSE |
Condition to test if the value in column is boolean FALSE |
Date/Timestamp |
Earlier than |
`column` < 'date' |
Condition to test if the value in column is earlier than date |
Earlier than or equal to |
`column` <= 'date' |
Condition to test if the value in column is earlier than or equal to date |
Later than |
`column` > 'date' |
Condition to test if the value in column is later than date |
Later than or equal to |
`column` >= 'date' |
Condition to test if the value in column is later than or equal to date |
String/Numeric/Date/Timestamp |
Is exactly |
`column` = 'value' |
Condition to test if the value in column is exactly value |
Is not |
`column` != 'value' |
Condition to test if the value in column is not value |
Is missing |
isMissing(`column`) |
Condition to test if the value in column is missing |
Is not missing |
!isMissing(`column`) |
Condition to test if the value in column is not missing |
Is valid |
isValid(`column`, datatype) |
Condition to test if the value in column is valid (the value is of datatype or it can be converted to datatype) |
Is not valid |
!isValid(`column`, datatype) |
Condition to test if the value in column is not valid (the value is of datatype or it can be converted to datatype) |
Nested |
Is missing |
isMissing(`column`) |
Condition to test if the value in column is missing |
Is not missing |
!isMissing(`column`) |
Condition to test if the value in column is not missing |
Is valid |
isValid(`column`, datatype) |
Condition to test if the value in column is valid(the value is of datatype or it can be converted to datatype) |
Is not valid |
!isValid(`column`, datatype) |
Condition to test if the value in column is not valid(the value is of datatype or it can be converted to datatype) |