Define a Pipeline in JSON Format - AWS Data Pipeline

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Define a Pipeline in JSON Format

This example scenario shows how to copy data from an Amazon S3 bucket to Amazon Redshift.

This is the full pipeline definition JSON file followed by an explanation for each of its sections. We recommend that you use a text editor that can help you verify the syntax of JSON-formatted files, and name the file using the .json file extension.

{ "objects": [ { "id": "CSVId1", "name": "DefaultCSV1", "type": "CSV" }, { "id": "RedshiftDatabaseId1", "databaseName": "dbname", "username": "user", "name": "DefaultRedshiftDatabase1", "*password": "password", "type": "RedshiftDatabase", "clusterId": "redshiftclusterId" }, { "id": "Default", "scheduleType": "timeseries", "failureAndRerunMode": "CASCADE", "name": "Default", "role": "DataPipelineDefaultRole", "resourceRole": "DataPipelineDefaultResourceRole" }, { "id": "RedshiftDataNodeId1", "schedule": { "ref": "ScheduleId1" }, "tableName": "orders", "name": "DefaultRedshiftDataNode1", "createTableSql": "create table StructuredLogs (requestBeginTime CHAR(30) PRIMARY KEY DISTKEY SORTKEY, requestEndTime CHAR(30), hostname CHAR(100), requestDate varchar(20));", "type": "RedshiftDataNode", "database": { "ref": "RedshiftDatabaseId1" } }, { "id": "Ec2ResourceId1", "schedule": { "ref": "ScheduleId1" }, "securityGroups": "MySecurityGroup", "name": "DefaultEc2Resource1", "role": "DataPipelineDefaultRole", "logUri": "s3://myLogs", "resourceRole": "DataPipelineDefaultResourceRole", "type": "Ec2Resource" }, { "id": "ScheduleId1", "startDateTime": "yyyy-mm-ddT00:00:00", "name": "DefaultSchedule1", "type": "Schedule", "period": "period", "endDateTime": "yyyy-mm-ddT00:00:00" }, { "id": "S3DataNodeId1", "schedule": { "ref": "ScheduleId1" }, "filePath": "s3://datapipeline-us-east-1/samples/hive-ads-samples.csv", "name": "DefaultS3DataNode1", "dataFormat": { "ref": "CSVId1" }, "type": "S3DataNode" }, { "id": "RedshiftCopyActivityId1", "input": { "ref": "S3DataNodeId1" }, "schedule": { "ref": "ScheduleId1" }, "insertMode": "KEEP_EXISTING", "name": "DefaultRedshiftCopyActivity1", "runsOn": { "ref": "Ec2ResourceId1" }, "type": "RedshiftCopyActivity", "output": { "ref": "RedshiftDataNodeId1" } } ] }

For more information about these objects, see the following documentation.