Disable server-side encryption on 4.x releases - AWS Data Pipeline

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Disable server-side encryption on 4.x releases

You must disable server-side encryption using a EmrConfiguration object.

The following example creates an EmrCluster activity with server-side encryption disabled:

{ "name": "ReleaseLabelCluster", "releaseLabel": "emr-4.1.0", "applications": ["spark", "hive", "pig"], "id": "myResourceId", "type": "EmrCluster", "configuration": { "ref": "disableSSE" } }, { "name": "disableSSE", "id": "disableSSE", "type": "EmrConfiguration", "classification": "emrfs-site", "property": [{ "ref": "enableServerSideEncryption" } ] }, { "name": "enableServerSideEncryption", "id": "enableServerSideEncryption", "type": "Property", "key": "fs.s3.enableServerSideEncryption", "value": "false" }