Create and run an Amazon DataZone data source for Amazon Redshift - Amazon DataZone

Create and run an Amazon DataZone data source for Amazon Redshift

In Amazon DataZone, you can create an Amazon Redshift data source in order to import technical metadata of database tables and views from the Amazon Redshift data warehouse. To add a Amazon DataZone data source for Amazon Redshift, the source data warehouse must already exist in the Amazon Redshift.

When you create and run an Amazon Redshift data source, you add assets from the source Amazon Redshift data warehouse to your Amazon DataZone project's inventory. You can run your Amazon Redshift data sources on a set schedule or on demand to create or update your assets' technical metadata. During the data source runs, you can optionally choose to publish your project inventory assets to the Amazon DataZone catalog and thus make them discoverable by all domain users. You can also publish your inventory assets after editing their business metadata. Domain users can search for and discover your published assets and request subscriptions to these assets.

To add an Amazon Redshift data source
  1. Navigate to the Amazon DataZone data portal URL and sign in using single sign-on (SSO) or your AWS credentials. If you’re an Amazon DataZone administrator, you can navigate to the Amazon DataZone console at and sign in with the AWS account where the domain was created, then choose Open data portal.

  2. Choose Select project from the top navigation pane and select the project to which you want to add the data source.

  3. Navigate to the Data tab for the project.

  4. Choose Data sources from the left navigation pane, then choose Create data source.

  5. Configure the following fields:

    • Name – The data source name.

    • Description – The data source description.

  6. Under Data source type, choose Amazon Redshift.

  7. Under Select an environment, specify an environment in which to publish the Amazon Redshift tables.

  8. Depending on the environment you select, Amazon DataZone will automatically apply the Amazon Redshift credentials and other parameters directly from the environment or give you the option to choose your own.

    • If you have selected an environment that only allows publishing from environment’s default Amazon Redshift schema, then Amazon DataZone will automatically apply the Amazon Redshift credentials and other parameters including the Amazon Redshift cluster or workgroup name, AWS secret, database name, and schema name. You cannot edit these auto-populated parameters.

    • If you select an environment that does not allow to publish any data, you will not be able to proceed with data source creation.

    • If you select an environment that allows publishing data from any schema, you will see the option to either use the credentials and other Amazon Redshift parameters from the environment or to enter your own credentials/parameters.

  9. If you choose to use your own credentials to create the data source, provide the following details:

    • Under Provide Amazon Redshift credentials, choose whether to use a provisioned Amazon Redshift cluster or an Amazon Redshift Serverless workspace as your data source.

    • Depending on your selection in the step above, choose your Amazon Redshift cluster or workspace from the dropdown menu, then choose the secret in AWS Secrets Manager to use for authentication. You can choose an existing secret or create a new one.

    • In order for the existing secret to appear in the drop down, make sure that your secret in AWS Secrets Manager includes the following tags (key/value):

      • AmazonDataZoneProject: <projectID>

      • AmazonDataZoneDomain: <domainID>

      If you choose to create a new secret, then the secret is automatically tagged with the tags referenced above and no extra steps are needed. For more information, see Storing database credentials in AWS Secrets Manager.

      Amazon Redshift users in the AWS secret provided for creating the data source must have SELECT permissions on the tables that are to be published. If you want Amazon DataZone to also manage the subscriptions (access) on your behalf, the database users in the AWS secret must also have the following permissions:




  10. Under Data selection, provide an Amazon Redshift database, schema, and enter your table or view selection criteria. For example, if you choose Include and enter *corporate, the asset will include all source tables that end with the word corporate.

    You can add multiple include rules for tables within a single database. You can also add multiple databases using the Add another database button.

  11. Choose Next.

  12. For Publishing settings, choose whether assets are immediately discoverable in the data catalog. If you only add them to the inventory, you can choose subscription terms later and publish them to the business data catalog.

  13. For Automated business name generation, choose whether to automatically generate metadata for assets as they're published and updated from the source.

  14. (Optional) For Metadata forms, add forms to define the metadata that is collected and saved when the assets are imported into Amazon DataZone. For more information, see Create a metadata form in Amazon DataZone.

  15. For Run preference, choose when to run the data source.

    • Run on a schedule – Specify the dates and time to run the data source.

    • Run on demand – You can manually initiate data source runs.

  16. Choose Next.

  17. Review your data source configuration and choose Create.


When an Amazon Redshift data source is created, Amazon DataZone grants read only' access to the environment used to create the data source to access all the tables in the Amazon Redshift schemas used in the data source. You can monitor the status of these grants under data sources on your environment's details page.

When using a different Amazon Redshift cluster or a Serverless workgroup than the one used to create the environment, you must ensure that the following AWS tag is added to the cluster or workgroup. This is necessary for the environment users to be able to view the granted database in the Amazon Redshift Query Editor V2: DataZoneDiscoverable_${domainId}: true

For the environments created prior to the current release of Amazon DataZone, project members will not be able to see granted tables in Amazon Redshift.