Data lineage in Amazon DataZone
Data lineage in Amazon DataZone is an OpenLineage-compatible feature that can help you to capture and visualize lineage events, from OpenLineage-enabled systems or through APIs, to trace data origins, track transformations, and view cross-organizational data consumption. It provides you with an overarching view into your data assets to see the origin of assets and their chain of connections. The lineage data includes information on the activities inside the Amazon DataZone's business data catalog, including information about the catalogued assets, the subscribers of those assets, and the activities that happen outside the business data catalog captured programmatically using the APIs.
Lineage can be setup to be automatically captured from AWS Glue and Amazon Redshift databases when added to Amazon DataZone. Additionally, Spark ETL job runs in AWS Glue (v5.0 and higher) console or notebooks can be configured to send lineage events to Amazon DataZone domains.
In Amazon DataZone, domain administrators can configure lineage while setting up data lake and data warehouse build-in blueprints which ensures that all data source runs created from those resources are enabled for automatic lineage capture.
Using Amazon DataZone's OpenLineage-compatible APIs, domain administrators and data producers can capture and store lineage events beyond what is available in Amazon DataZone, including transformations in Amazon S3, AWS Glue, and other services. This provides a comprehensive view for the data consumers and helps them gain confidence of the asset's origin, while data producers can assess the impact of changes to an asset by understanding its usage. Additionally, Amazon DataZone versions lineage with each event, enabling users to visualize lineage at any point in time or compare transformations across an asset's or job's history. This historical lineage provides a deeper understanding of how data has evolved, essential for troubleshooting, auditing, and ensuring the integrity of data assets.
With data lineage, you can accomplish the following in Amazon DataZone:
Understand the provenance of data: knowing where the data originated fosters trust in data by providing you with a clear understanding of its origins, dependencies, and transformations. This transparency helps in making confident data-driven decisions.
Understand the impact of changes to data pipelines: when changes are made to data pipelines, lineage can be used to identify all of the downstream consumers that are to be affected. This helps to ensure that changes are made without disrupting critical data flows.
Identify the root cause of data quality issues: if a data quality issue is detected in a downstream report, lineage, especially column-level lineage, can be used to trace the data back (at a column level) to identify the issue back to its source. This can help data engineers to identify and fix the problem.
Improve data governance and compliance: column-level lineage can be used to demonstrate compliance with data governance and privacy regulations. For example, column-level lineage can be used to show where sensitive data (such as PII) is stored and how it is processed in downstream activities.
Types of lineage nodes in Amazon DataZone
in Amazon DataZone, data lineage information is presented in nodes that represent tables and views. Depending on the context of the project, for example, a project selected at the top left in the data portal, the producers are able to view both, inventory and published assets, whereas consumers can only view the published assets. When you first open the lineage tab in the asset details page, the catalogued dataset node is the starting point for navigating upstream or downstream through the lineage nodes of your lineage graph.
The following are the types of data lineage nodes that are supported in Amazon DataZone:
Dataset node - this node type includes data lineage information about a specific data asset.
Dataset nodes that include information about AWS Glue or Amazon Redshift assets published in the Amazon DataZone catalog are auto-generated and include a corresponding AWS Glue or Amazon Redshift icon within the node.
Dataset nodes that include information about assets that are not published in the Amazon DataZone catalog, are created manually by domain administrators (producers) and are represented by a default custom asset icon within the node.
Job (run) node - this node type displays the details of the job, including the latest run of a particular job and run details. This node also captures multiple runs of the job and can be viewed in the History tab of the node details. You can view node details by choosing the node icon.
Key attributes in lineage nodes
The sourceIdentifier
attribute in a lineage node represents the
events happening on a dataset. The sourceIdentifier
of the lineage node
is the identifier of the dataset (table/view etc). It’s used for uniqueness
enforcement on the lineage nodes. For example, there can’t be two lineage nodes with
same sourceIdentifier
. The following are examples of
values for different types of nodes:
For dataset node with respective dataset type:
Asset: amazon.datazone.asset/<assetId>
Listing (published asset): amazon.datazone.listing/<listingId>
AWS Glue table: arn:aws:glue:<region>:<account-id>:table/<database>/<table-name>
Amazon Redshift table/view: arn:aws:<redshift/redshift-serverless>:<region>:<account-id>:<table-type(table/view etc)>/<clusterIdentifier/workgroupName>/<database>/<schema>/<table-name>
For any other type of dataset nodes imported using open-lineage run events, <namespace>/<name> of the input/output dataset is used as
of the node.
For jobs:
For job nodes imported using open-lineage run events, <jobs_namespace>.<job_name> is used as sourceIdentifier.
For job runs:
For job run nodes imported using open-lineage run events, <jobs_namespace>.<job_name>/<run_id> is used as sourceIdentifier.
For assets created using createAsset
API, the
must be updated using
API to enable mapping the asset to upstream
Visualizing data lineage
Amazon DataZone’s asset details page provides a graphical representation of data lineage, making it easier to visualize data relationships upstream or downstream. The asset details page provides the following capabilities to navigate the graph:
Column-level lineage: expand column-level lineage when available in dataset nodes. This automatically shows relationships with upstream or downstream dataset nodes if source column information is available.
Column search: when the default display for number of columns is 10. If there are more than 10 columns, pagination is activiated to navigate to the rest of the columns. To quickly view a particular column, you can search on the dataset node that list just the searched column.
View dataset nodes only: if you want to toggle to view only dataset lineage nodes and filter out the job nodes, you can choose the Open view control icon on the top left of the graph viewer and toggle the Display dataset nodes only option. This will remove all the job nodes from the graph and lets you navigate just the dataset nodes. Note that when the view only dataset nodes is turned on, the graph cannot be expanded upstream or downstream.
Details pane: Each lineage node has details captured and displayed when selected.
Dataset node has a detail pane to display all the details captured for that node for a given timestamp. Every dataset node has 3 tabs, namely: Lineage info, Schema, and History tab. The history tab lists the different versions of lineage event captured for that node. All details captured from API are displayed using metadata forms or a JSON viewer.
Job node has a detail pane to display job details with tabs, namely: Job info, and History. The details pane also captures query or expressions captured as part of the job run. The history tab lists the different versions of job run event captured for that job. All details captured from API are displayed using metadata forms or a JSON viewer.
Version tabs: all lineage nodes in Amazon DataZone data lineage have versioning. For every dataset node or job node, the versions are captured as history and that enables you to navigate between the different versions to identify what has changed overtime. Each version opens a new tab in the lineage page to help compare or contrast.
Data lineage authorization in Amazon DataZone
Write permissions - to publish lineage data into
Amazon DataZone, you must have an IAM role with a permissions policy that includes an
action on the PostLineageEvent
authorization happens at API Gateway layer.
Read permissions - there are two operations:
and ListLineageNodeHistory
that are
included in the AmazonDataZoneDomainExecutionRolePolicy
managed policy
and therefore every user in the Amazon DataZone domain can invoke these to traverse the
data lineage graph.
Data lineage sample experience in Amazon DataZone
You can use the data lineage sample experience to browse and understand data lineage in Amazon DataZone, including traversing upstream or downstream in your data lineage graph, exploring versions and column-level lineage.
Complete the followng procedure to try the sample data lineage experience in Amazon DataZone:
Navigate to the Amazon DataZone data portal URL and sign in using single sign-on (SSO) or your AWS credentials. If you’re an Amazon DataZone administrator, you can navigate to the Amazon DataZone console at
and sign in with the AWS account where the domain was created, then choose Open data portal. -
Choose any available data asset to open the asset's details page.
On the asset's details page, choose the Lineage tab, then mouse over the information icon, and then choose Try sample lineage.
In the data lineage pop up window, choose Start guided data lineage tour.
At this point, a fullscreen tab that provides all the space of lineage information is displayed. The sample data lineage graph is initially displayed with a base node with 1-depth at either ends, upstream and downstream. You can expand the graph upstream or downstream. The columns information is also available for you to choose and see how lineage flows through the nodes.
Enable data lineage in the management console
You can enable data lineage as part of configuring your Default Data Lake and Default Data Warehouse blueprints.
Complete the following procedure to enable data lineage for your Default Data Lake blueprint.
Navigate to the Amazon DataZone console at
and sign in with your account credentials. -
Choose View domains and choose the domain where you want to enable data lineage for your DefaultDataLake blueprint.
On the domain details page, navigate to the Blueprints tab.
On the DefaultDataLake blueprint's details page, choose the Regions tab.
You can enable data lineage as part of adding a region for your DefaultDataLake blueprint. So if a region is already added but the data lineage functionality in it is not enabled (No is displayed in the Import data lineage column, you must first remove this region. To enable data lineage, choose Add region, then choose the region you want to add, and make sure to check the Enable importing data lineage checkbox in the Add Region pop up window.
To enabled data lineage for your DefaultDataWarehouse blueprint, complete the following procedure.
Navigate to the Amazon DataZone console at
and sign in with your account credentials. -
Choose View domains and choose the domain where you want to enable data lineage for your DefaultDataWarehouse blueprint.
On the domain details page, navigate to the Blueprints tab.
On the DefaultDataWarehouse blueprint's details page, choose the Parameter sets tab.
You can enable data lineage as part of adding a parameter set for your DefaultDataWarehouse blueprint. To do so, choose Create parameter set.
On the Create parameter set page, specify the following and then choose Create parameter set.
Name for the parameter set.
Description for the parameter set.
AWS Region where you want to create environments.
Specify whether Amazon DataZone is to use these parameters to establish a connection to your Amazon Redshift cluster or serverless workgroup.
Specify an AWS secret.
Specfy either a cluster or serverless workgroup that you want to use when creating environments.
Specify the name of the database (within the cluster or workgroup you specified) that you want to use when creating environments.
Under Import data lineage, check the Enable importing data lineage.
Using Amazon DataZone data lineage programmatically
To use the data lineage functionality in Amazon DataZone, you can invoke the following APIs:
Automate lineage for the AWS Glue catalog
As and when AWS Glue databases and tables are added to the Amazon DataZone catalog, the lineage extraction is automated for those tables using data source runs. There are few ways lineage is automated for this source:
Blueprint configuration - administrators setting up blueprints can configure blueprints to capture lineage automatically. This enables the administrators to define which data sources are important for lineage capture rather than relying on data producers cataloguing data. For more information, see Enable data lineage in the management console.
Data source configuration - data producers, as they configure data source runs for AWS Glue databases, are presented with a view along with Data Quality to inform about automated data lineage for that data source.
The lineage setting can be viewed in the Data Source Definition tab. This value is not editable by data producers.
The lineage collection in Data Source run fetches information from table metadata to build lineage. AWS Glue crawler supports different types of sources and the sources for which lineage is captured as part of the Data Source run include Amazon S3, DynamoDB, Catalog, Delta Lake, Iceberg tables, and Hudi tables stored in Amazon S3. JDBC and DocumentDB or MongoDB are current not supported as sources.
Limitation - it the number of tables is more than 100, the lineage run fails after 100 tables. Make sure the AWS Glue crawler is not configured to bring in more that 100 tables in a run.
AWS Glue (v5.0) configuration - while running AWS Glue jobs in AWS Glue Studio, data lineage can be configured for the jobs to send lineage events directly to Amazon DataZone domain.
Navigate to the AWS Glue console at and sign in with your account credentials.
Choose ETL jobs and either create a new job or click on any of the existing jobs.
Go to Job details (including ETL Flows job) tab and scroll down to Generate lineage events section.
Select the checkbox to enable sending lineage events and that expands to display an input field to enter the Amazon DataZone Domain ID.
AWS Glue (V5.0) Notebook configuration - in a notebook, you can automate the collection of Spark executions by adding a %%configure magic. This configuration will send events to Amazon DataZone domain.
%%configure { “—conf”:“spark.extraListeners=io.openlineage.spark.agent.OpenLineageSparkListener —conf spark.openlineage.transport.type=amazon_datazone_api —conf spark.openlineage.transport.domainId=<datazone domainID> —conf spark.openlineage.facets.custom_environment_variables [AWS_DEFAULT_REGION;GLUE_VERSION;GLUE_COMMAND_CRITERIA;GLUE_PYTHON_VERSION;] —conf spark.glue.JobName=<SessionId> —conf spark.glue.JobRunId=<SessionId or NONE?>“ (as session is a resource and doesn't have subsequent runs - interactive)
Note: there are 2 dashes in front of conf - quip is updating to hyphen.
Set up parameters to configure communication to Amazon DataZone from AWS Glue
Param key: --conf
Param value:
spark.extraListeners=io.openlineage.spark.agent.OpenLineageSparkListener --conf spark.openlineage.transport.type=amazon_datazone_api --conf spark.openlineage.transport.domainId=<DOMAIN_ID> --conf spark.openlineage.facets.custom_environment_variables=[AWS_DEFAULT_REGION;GLUE_VERSION;GLUE_COMMAND_CRITERIA;GLUE_PYTHON_VERSION;] --conf spark.glue.accountId=<ACCOUNT_ID> (replace <DOMAIN_ID> and <ACCOUNT_ID> with the right values)
For Notebooks add these additinal parameters:
--conf spark.glue.JobName=<SessionId> --conf spark.glue.JobRunId=<SessionId or NONE?> replace <SessionId> and <SessionId> with the right values
Automate lineage from Amazon Redshift
Capturing lineage from Amazon Redshift service with data warehouse blueprint configuration setup by administrators, lineage is automatically captured by Amazon DataZone. The lineage runs captures queries executed for a given database and generates lineage events to be stored in Amazon DataZone to be visualized by data producers or consumers when they go to a particular asset.
Lineage can be automated using the following configurations:
Blueprint configuration: administrators setting up blueprints can configure blueprints to capture lineage automatically. This enables the administrators to define which data sources are important for lineage capture rather than relying on data producers cataloguing data. To setup, go to Enable data lineage in the management console.
Data source configuration: data producers, as they configure data source runs for Amazon Redshift databases, are presented with automated data lineage setting for that data source.
The lineage setting can be viewed in the Data Source Definition tab. This value is not editable by data producers.