Project membership policy in the hierarchy of domain units in Amazon DataZone - Amazon DataZone

Project membership policy in the hierarchy of domain units in Amazon DataZone

The project membership policy defines the individuals or groups that are eligible to be added as members to projects within a domain unit. This topic describes scenarios of the impact of the policy in relation to an individual domain unit and domain units in a hierarchal structure.

It's important to note several concepts that are used in this topic:

  • Membership pool - the principals (users or groups) that are granted access through the project membership policy are considered part of the project membership pool. For instance, if the policy for domain unit DU1 is granted to users U1 and U2, as well as the Single Sign-On (SSO) group G1, the project membership pool for DU1 would consist of {U1, U2, G1}.

  • Cascade - the ability to pass the grant down to all child domain units connected through the domain unit hierarchy.

  • Grant - the permission for a user or group to perform an action.

Scenario 1 - any user or group can be added to the project under Domain Unit 1 as the membership pool consists of {All Users/Groups}.

Project membership policy in the hierarchy of domain units

Scenario 2 - Users {U1, G1} can be added to the project under Domain Unit 2 since they are part of the membership pool under Domain Unit 2. Users {U3, G2} cannot be added to any project as they are not part of the membership pool.

Project membership policy in the hierarchy of domain units

Scenario 3 - Intersection of membership pools: when there are membership pools at different domain unit hierarchy levels, only the users and groups that are in all of the membership pools can be added to the project.

Project membership policy in the hierarchy of domain units
  • The intersection of users across both membership pools is {U1, U2, G1}.

  • Users {U1, U2, G1} can be added to the project under Domain Unit 3.

  • Users {U3, G2} cannot be added to the project under Domain Unit 3 even with All Users and All Groups being in the membership pool at the Root Domain unit level.

Scenario 4 - Intersection of membership pools: when there are membership pools at different domain unit hierarchy levels, only the users and groups that are in all of the membership pools can be added to the project.

Project membership policy in the hierarchy of domain units
  • The intersection of users across both membership pools is {U1, U2, G1}.

  • The membership pool at Domain Unit 4 is {All Users / Groups} but the membership pool cannot expand beyond the membership pool at the Root Domain {U1, U2, G1}.

  • Users {U3, G2} cannot be added to the project under Domain Unit 4 even with All Users and All Groups being in the membership pool at Domain Unit 4.

Scenario 5 - Users {U1, G1} can be added to Project 5 as they part of the intersection of membership pools between Root Domain and Domain Unit 5. No user/group can be added to Project 6 as the intersection of the three membership pools is empty.

Project membership policy in the hierarchy of domain units

Scenario 6 - The intersection across all three membership pools means only user {U1} can be added to Project 8. Intersection pools at for Domain Unit 8 are {U1}, {U1}, {U1, U2} - with only {U1} being common across the three.

Project membership policy in the hierarchy of domain units

Scenario 7 - Users {U1, U2, G1} can be added to the project of the Root Domain as they part of the membership pool from the Root Domain. Any user or group can be added to the project under Domain Unit 9 as the membership pool consists of {All Users/Groups} because cascade is set to false in the Root Domain above it.

Project membership policy in the hierarchy of domain units