Search for and view assets in the Amazon DataZone catalog
Amazon DataZone provides a streamlined way to search for data. Any Amazon DataZone user with permissions to access the data portal can search for assets in the Amazon DataZone catalog and view asset names and the metadata assigned to them. You can take a closer look at an asset by examining its details page.
To view the actual data that an asset contains, you must first subscribe to the asset and have your subscription request approved and access granted.
Search in Amazon DataZone (in new and existing domains) includes results based on keyword and semantic matches. The search algorithm prioritizes keyword matches and then appends those with semantic matches.
The semantic search functionality empowers users across different roles and functions to more effectively discover, access, and leverage their organization's data assets, leading to improved decision-making, collaboration, and overall data-driven capabilities. With semantic search, keyword inputs produce synonym-based and meaning-based search results in addition to simple keyword match results. For example, with semantic search, if you type in 'flower' as your search input, a data asset with the word 'rose' in its name is returned in search results. If you type in 'movie' as your search input, a data asset with the word 'film' in its name is returned in search results. If you type in 'football' as your search input, a data asset with the word 'soccer' in its name can be returned in search results.
With keyword search, you can input various keywords while searching for your
subscribed assets. For example, if you have an asset called Catalog Sales
, it is returned in the search results if you input any of the following
keywords: catalog_sales
, Catalog Sales
, or catalogsales
To search for assets in the catalog
Navigate to the Amazon DataZone data portal URL and sign in using single sign-on (SSO) or your AWS credentials. If you’re an Amazon DataZone administrator, you can navigate to the Amazon DataZone console at
and sign in with the AWS account where the domain was created, then choose Open data portal. -
You can type the name of the asset that you are looking for in the search bar on the home page of the data portal.
To browse namespaces, choose Catalog from the top right of the page to open the catalog. The catalog provides a faceted search experience for you to find assets by searching on criteria such as , data owner, and glossary terms.
Enter your search term in one of the search boxes. After you run a search, you can apply various filters to narrow the results. The filters include asset type, source account, and the AWS Region to which the asset belongs.
To view details about a specific asset, choose the asset to open its details page. The details page includes the following information:
The asset name, data source (AWS Glue, Amazon Redshift, or Amazon S3), type (table, view, or S3 object), number of columns, and size.
A description of the asset.
The current published revision of the asset, the owner, whether approval is required for subscriptions, the namepace, and update history.
An Overview tab which includes glossary terms and metadata forms.
A Schema tab which displays the schema of the asset, including business and technical column names, data types, and business descriptions of the columns. The schema tab is visible only for tables and views (not for Amazon S3 objects).
A Subscriptions tab which includes a list of subscribers to the domain.
A History tab which includes a list of past revisions of the asset.